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Presentation on theme: "THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION"— Presentation transcript:


2 The Scientific Revolution was a time period (starting in the mid-1500s) in Europe where new ways of thinking about the natural world came about The ideas of the ancient scientists (Greeks and Romans) and of the Catholic Church were challenged by the new breed of scientists in Europe

3 To prove these new ideas, the scientists began using the “scientific method”, which is a logical procedure for gathering information and testing ideas

4 Before, people believed in the Greek theory that the Sun revolved around the Earth
Copernicus’ idea radically changed Europe’s concept of the universe and was the foundation of modern astronomy

5 Johannes Kepler, a German astronomer and mathematician, proved Copernicus’ theory to be true

6 Kepler also proposed that planets move in elliptical orbits (not in perfect circles) and do not always travel at the same speed around the Sun


8 GALILEO GALILEI Galileo was one of the most influential scientists of all time Some of Galileo’s accomplishments: (1) he improved the telescope (2) He made observations about the Moon and our Solar system (3) He created the Law of Inertia and (4) he perfected the scientific method

9 Galileo’s work got him in trouble with the Catholic Church when he challenged their long-held scientific beliefs The theory he challenged was the incorrect geocentric theory; with this, the Sun and planets all revolve around the Earth

10 The Church always taught that God considered humans his greatest creation and made Earth the center of the Universe Galileo’s teachings completely went against the Church’s beliefs, so he was brought before the Inquisition

11 Under the threat of torture, Galileo was forced to recant (deny) his ideas about the Sun being at the center Galileo spent the rest of his life under house arrest, but his ideas spread and lived on, inspiring future scientists

12 ISAAC NEWTON Isaac Newton was an English scientist who made many breakthroughs in the field of physics

13 Newton discovered and explained the theory of gravity
ISAAC NEWTON Newton discovered and explained the theory of gravity

14 The mythical story of Newton being inspired by an apple hitting him on the head
He also studied the physics of motion, heat, and light and created the mathematical field of calculus to prove his theories


16 WILLIAM HARVEY William Harvey was an English doctor who proved that blood circulates through the body and is pumped by the heart

17 Andreas Vesalius studied human anatomy, dissecting human corpses
His work added to European knowledge of the human body for the first time in 150 years; this marked the beginning of modern medical science


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