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World War II Begins.

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1 World War II Begins

2 Bell Ringer (left hand side)
Explain a moment in your life when you appeased (giving in to receive peace) somebody OR were appeased. What was the result? I am expecting you to write a paragraph.

3 Invasion of Poland Oct. 1938, Hitler demands the return of Danzig
Germany and USSR invade Poland in Sept. 1, 1939 Appeasement failed: Sept. 3, Britain and France declare war on Germany Sept. 27, Polish capital, Warsaw, fell

4 The Blitzkrieg Developed by Hans Guderian Means lightening war
Tactic based on speed and surprise Featured light tanks, planes and infantry Used by Germany in the Polish and French Invasions


6 Hitler Moves to France After the invasion of Norway and Denmark, Hitler moves to France France knew they had the best army in the world: same size as Germany’s and superior in quality Had Maginot line: series of forts along German- French Border Army’s officers WWI veterans ready to continue to fight

7 Germany’s Plan Younger officers ready to fight
Rather than penetrate Maginot line, went through the Ardennes Forest in Belgium New technology

8 The Fall of France French troops quickly overrun
French losses: 90,000 dead, 200,000 wounded, 2,000,000 captured French General Philippe Petain surrenders to Germany on June 22, 1940 Germany sets up puppet gov. called Vichy France


10 Miracle at dunkirk Germany forced Britain and France back to the English Channel Could only evacuate allied troops by sea Hitler decided to delay attack for 3 days. Nobody knows why Delay gave allied troops time to save 338,000 troops, but nearly all weapons and ammo left behind

11 Battle of Britain Hitler’s strategy was first to attack England’s air force June 1940 Luftwaffe (Nazi air force) attacked British shipping in the English Channel Germany accidentally bombed London, the capital of Britain Britain retaliates and bombs Berlin, Germany’s capital

12 Battle of Britain Hitler is furious, focused all the bombing on London to terrorize the people Britain had radar which helped them detect German planes Hitler canceled the invasion of Britain in Oct. 1940

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