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You hear people say: “Let me think about that” “What do you think?”

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Presentation on theme: "You hear people say: “Let me think about that” “What do you think?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 You hear people say: “Let me think about that” “What do you think?” “I don’t think so” “I think I like it”

2 What does it mean to “Think?”

3 Textbook Definition Academic term Think (cognition): is the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering and communicating (processing = organizing & attempting to understand information and then communicating that information to others)

4 One of the basic elements of thought is the idea of a CONCEPT
Concepts One of the basic elements of thought is the idea of a CONCEPT a mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas or people

5 Concepts activity In a group with 1 – 2 other people write down as many uses of the item I give you as possible. Chair All the uses you came up with represent thinking and coming up with multiple concepts.

6 Concepts simplify our thinking
Chair High Chair Dentist Chair Rocking Chair Recliner Desk Chair Throne Without concepts, we would need a different name for every person, idea, object, event, etc.

7 Hierarchical Organization of Conceptual Categories
Superordinate Level - the most general form of concept (animal, vehicle, fruit, utensil) Basic Level Categories - an example of a type of concept around which other similar concepts are organized (dog, car, pear, knife, table) Subordinate Level - the most specific category of a concept such as a very specific example (German Shepard, Honda, Bradford pear, steak, card table)

8 We often form concepts by developing prototypes.
a mental image or best example of a category Bird – more people quickly agree that “a robin is a bird” than “a penguin is a bird” because a robin more closely resembles our bird prototype

9 activity In your group, identify a prototype of some sort, then come up with a close example of the prototype and a not-so-close example.

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