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Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject

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2 Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage D I V O R C E Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject

3 DIVORCE – A Testament To Failure
1 Cor 7:10-11 This chapter of Paul’s 1st letter to Corinth begins the apostle’s answers to questions previously submitted by the Christians 7:1a When including this chapter in the M/D/R discussion, it is good to remember the verse that may well be its theme Ù v. 26

4 DIVORCE – A Testament To Failure
1 Cor 7:10-11 Paul addresses “the married” v. 10a This is in contrast to his earlier teaching in v. 8 He said he was “…giving instructions, not I but the Lord” It was not his opinion, but was as always the Lord’s commandment cp. 4:17 7: :37

5 DIVORCE – A Testament To Failure
1 Cor 7:10-11 Paul’s instructions Ù do not divorce v. 10b Most of v. 11 is “parenthetical” and can be viewed somewhat as an “exception” to the basic rule It harmonizes with what Jesus taught Mt 19 The “structure” of this passage is comparable to what is found in 1 Jn 2:1-2

6 DIVORCE – A Testament To Failure
1 Cor 7:10-11 Given Paul’s words in v. 12… “But to the rest…” [addressing believers married to unbelievers], we conclude vv is addressed to believers married to other believers Whether the marriage is with believers or infidels, the rule re: divorce does not change

7 DIVORCE – A Testament To Failure
1 Cor 7:10-11 “Depart” or “Leave” doesn’t refer to simply leaving the house or separating It means “To separate, divide, part, put asunder; to sever or disunite; to divorce” cp. Mt 19:6 If this happens, it results in someone being “unmarried” v. 11

8 DIVORCE – A Testament To Failure
1 Cor 7:10-11 We also know what type of divorce Paul is discussing This passage does not address all divorce situations The context demands it must be discussing an unlawful (unscriptural) divorce

9 DIVORCE – A Testament To Failure
1 Cor 7:10-11 This passage does not apply to spouses who divorce their mates for the cause of fornication Jesus gives the innocent spouse permission to divorce and remarry another Mt 19:9 Such a one does not have to “remain unmarried” or “be reconciled”

10 DIVORCE – A Testament To Failure
1 Cor 7:10-11 This text refutes the “Mental Divorce” doctrine

11 Illustrating “Mental Divorce”
BOUND Rom 7:2 Married Jill Jack Divorce (Unlawful) Susan

12 Illustrating “Mental Divorce”
Jack Jill Susan Fornicates

13 Illustrating “Mental Divorce”
Married Bound Ted Adultery Married Jill Jack Susan Put Jack away Divorce Adultery

14 DIVORCE – A Testament To Failure
1 Cor 7:10-11 This text refutes the “Mental Divorce” doctrine When an unscriptural divorce has taken place, Paul refers to such a one as “unmarried” The Mental Divorce doctrine is technically referred to as the “Post-Civil Divorce Biblical Putting Away” An attempt to distinguish between what ungodly civil courts allow and what God forbids

15 DIVORCE – A Testament To Failure
1 Cor 7:10-11 This text refutes the “Mental Divorce” doctrine Advocates claim ungodly courts cannot undo what only God can cp. Acts 4: :29 The problem is that the Scripture knows nothing about a 2nd putting away, even after an unscriptural divorce Therefore, it is “mental” Ù only in the mind…the courts will not grant another legal divorce

16 DIVORCE – A Testament To Failure
1 Cor 7:10-11 This text refutes the “Mental Divorce” doctrine Notice what Paul does not advocate He does not teach a “post-civil divorce” after the original spouse either remarries or fornicates He teaches for one to remain unmarried so that the marriage can be rightfully reconciled…remember, the original divorce was unlawful

17 DIVORCE – A Testament To Failure
1 Cor 7:10-11 This text also does not give “2 viable options” Some claim this passage teaches it is okay to divorce as long as one does not remarry Paul mandates what Jesus mandates Ù NO divorce Remember…divorce negates God’s original marriage law and creates undesirable conditions Mt 19: Mal 2:16 Mt 5:32b

18 DIVORCE – A Testament To Failure
1 Cor 7:10-11 This text also does not give “2 viable options” Paul is teaching what must be done if divorce is sought anyway A sinful situation has already happened (Divorce) The only remedy is reconciliation This would require remaining unmarried so that one would be in a position to be reconciled

19 DIVORCE – A Testament To Failure
1 Cor 7:10-11 This text also does not give “2 viable options” Such a “marital mess” must not be further complicated by a subsequent unlawful marriage What if the original spouse previously divorced has no interest in reconciling? Celibacy is the only option available to the one unlawfully put away cp. Mt 19:12


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