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Iodine Fuming.

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1 Iodine Fuming

2 Iodine Fuming Used when latent prints need to be developed on porous surfaces such as paper.




6 In iodine fuming, natural body fats and oils in sebaceous material of a latent print temporarily absorb the iodine vapors. There is a chemical reaction..

7 This results in a change in color, from clear to a dark brown, until the effect fades with time. The color change can be made permanent by the application of certain materials, but the developed latent can usually be photographed at the greatest intensity of color change and then allowed to fade.


9 Look in your book pgs 64-67… Iodine fuming – porous substances such as paper, cardboard, wood…. Ninhydrin – same as above Cyanoacrylate – (superglue) - any smooth surface i.e. glass, plastic, vinyl – but crime scene investigators are trying to get techs to use this for everything because it produces a more permanent type of print.

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