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Friendship Between Animals

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1 Friendship Between Animals
冀教版 八年级下册 Lesson18 Friendship Between Animals

2 ---What’s the relationship between them?
---They are father and son. ---What’s the relationship between them? ---They are teacher and student. ---What’s the relationship between them? ---They are doctor and patient.

3 Friendship is a happy relationship between two people.
Friendship makes us happy in our life.

4 Look at the warning sign. It warns you.
“Don’t go straight. It’s dangerous!” When you give someone notice of possible danger or unpleasant consequences(后果), you warn. Look at the warning sign. It warns you.

5 The twins look the same. The only difference between them is the colour of their skin.

6 Her family died in the earthquake. Only she survived. Good luck, girl
Her family died in the earthquake. Only she survived. Good luck, girl! Be strong!

7 You are a true friend. I am truly thankful for the friendship between us.

8 The boundary between Shanxi and Shaanxi is the Yellow River .

9 These are some insects. This kind of egret eats small insects.

10 Can the rhino and the egret live together?

11 One day, a hippo came from the water. It met a tortoise
One day, a hippo came from the water. It met a tortoise. What would happen between them?

12 Nick Vujicic was born with no arms and no legs
Nick Vujicic was born with no arms and no legs. Life is not easy for him. But he is very confident. He has graduated from university. And he is good at fishing, football, open boats, diving and golfing. His story touched everyone’s heart.

13 Practice with the new words and phrase.
warn touch one’s heart friendship try relationship survive is the most important in life. A car hit a dog while it was trying to cross a busy highway in Chile. It was badly hurt. Another dog to pull the friend down the highway. But it was difficult to do so. The cars horned to it. But it didn’t care. It tried for a long time. At last both dogs When I heard of it, their story Friendship relationship tried warn survived touched my heart.

14 Listen and answer. 1.What is the first story about?
2. Where does the rhino let the egret sit? 3. Do all animals get together for surviving? 4. How old is Mzee? It is about the rhino and the egret. It let the egret sit on its back. No. It is 130 years old.

15 Read and answer. What does the egret do for the rhino?
How does the rhino help the egret get food easily? How did people feel when they heard the story of friendship between Owen and Mzee? Does good friends need to say something to show they care? The egret helps the rhino stay healthy by cleaning its skin. It also makes noise to warn the rhino about coming danger. It scares small insects hiding in the grass, and the egret eats them. They felt moved. No.

16 A good friend is a person,
he/she is happy when you are happy.

17 A good friend is an animal,
it makes you smile and laugh.

18 A good friend is a gift you give yourself.
A good friend can share secrets with you.

19 A good friend lends a helping
hand when you need. A good friend helps you up when you fall.

20 Brainstorm some ideas for what a good friend is.
A good friend can…… A good friend ……

21 Friendship is the most important
relationship in life. Share it and be happy in our life.

22 Look at the two pictures below
Look at the two pictures below. What do you think the animal are saying to each other? Brainstorm it. Please consider the background story to go with the dialogue.

23 Act it out.

24 Homework Dear friend, I know an animal story. Yours, sincerely Search another way in which animals help one another. Then write a letter to a friend to tell him or her about the two animal friends. Your letter should include these aspects: *What is the relationship between the two animas? *What do the two animals do for each other? *Why is it a touching story?

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