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Ms. Prof. C F Octovia Antony Sessammal Department of BBA Subject: Production Management Class : III – BBA (B) Topic : Material Handling.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Prof. C F Octovia Antony Sessammal Department of BBA Subject: Production Management Class : III – BBA (B) Topic : Material Handling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Prof. C F Octovia Antony Sessammal Department of BBA Subject: Production Management Class : III – BBA (B) Topic : Material Handling


3 Definition of Material Handling
Materials handling is a system or combination of methods, facilities, labour and equipment for moving, packing and storing the materials to meet specific objectives. - Raymond A. Kulwice

4 Definition of Material Handling
Material handling is the art and science involving the movement, packing and storing of substances in any form. - International material management society

5 Objectives of Material handling
1. Selection of machines / equipment and plant layout to minimize material handling requirements. 2. Selection of appropriate, efficient and safe material handling equipment. 3. Prevention of damage to materials 4. Safety in materials handling through improvement in working conditions.

6 Cont., 5. Increase the productivity capacity of the production facilities and enhancing productivity. 6. Minimising movements of semi-finished goods during production. 7. Minimising the distance moved 8. Eleminating /minimising deplicate handling.

7 Importance of Material Handling
1. Increased productivity of labour. 2. Increased production capacity of the plant. 3. Full utilisation of plant capacity 4. Saving in man-hours 5. Reduction in inventory 6. Clean shop-floors enabling smooth efficient functioning of factory.

8 Cont., 7. Less utilisation of available space
8. Less wastage, spoilage and damage 9. Minimize supervision due to minimizing of interruption in production schedule 10. Reduction in fatigue of workers

9 Principles of material handling
1. Planning principle 2. System Principle 3. Material-flow principle 4. Simplification principle 5. Gravity principle 6. Space Utilisation Principle 7. Unit size (load) principle 8. Safety principle

10 Cont., 9. Equipment selection principle
10. Machanisation / Automation principle 11. Standardisation principle 12. Flexibility principle 13. Dead-weight principle 14. Motion principle 15. Idle-time principle

11 Con., 16. Maintenance principle 17. Obsolescence 18. Control principle
19. Capacity principle 20. Performance principle

12 Factors influencing the selection of material system
Nature of operation Layout of the plant Building construction Material to be handled Distance over which the materials is to be moved Engineering reliability

13 Thank you

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