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1 (Feel free to elaborate on and locate the following as you see fit)
POSTER TITLE Presenting Author1,2, Second Author3, Third Author3, and Graduate Advisor1,2 Department of Presenting Author1, Department of Second & Third Authors3, School; City, STATE Zip Objectives: Specific Deliverables of the project Challenges: Describe the scientific and technological barriers your project is trying to overcome to achieve project objectives Intellectual Motivation: Describe the novel scientific and technological knowledge that will be gained Industrial Relevance: Describe the industrial relevance of the project within the context of 1) cost competitiveness, 2) sustainability, 3) etc. Broad Appeal: Please describe possible applications of the new scientific and technological knowledge from the project in different industry sectors (Feel free to elaborate on and locate the following as you see fit) Materials Methods Important Results Conclusion Future Plans Acknowledgement: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No and by CPaSS industry members. Spring 2019 IAB Meeting – February 12-14, 2019

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