SAUGUS Union School District Excellence in Elementary Education

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Presentation on theme: " SAUGUS Union School District Excellence in Elementary Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 2018-2019 Second Interim Report
 SAUGUS Union School District Excellence in Elementary Education 24930 Avenue Stanford, Santa Clarita, California Phone: / Second Interim Report March 5, 2019 GOVERNING BOARD: Laura Arrowsmith · David Barlavi · Julie Olsen · David Powell · Christopher Trunkey SUPERINTENDENT: Colleen Hawkins, Ed.D.  RESPECT | INTEGRITY | LEARNING | TEAMWORK | ENTHUSIASM

2 Education Code Excellence in Elementary Education
Education Code (EC) Sections 35035(g), and require the Governing Board of each school district to certify at least twice a year to the District’s ability to meet its financial obligations for the remainder of that fiscal year and for the subsequent two fiscal years. This is called the Interim Report Process. The Governing Board must certify that the District fits one of the following: Positive – based upon the current projections, the District will meet its financial obligations for the current fiscal year and subsequent two fiscal years. Qualified – based upon the current projections, the District may not meet its financial obligations for the current fiscal year or two subsequent fiscal years. Negative – based upon the current projections, the District is unable to meet its financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year or the subsequent fiscal year(s). Excellence in Elementary Education

3 2018-2019 Budget Calendar Excellence in Elementary Education June/July
Adoption of the State budget, may determine changes in school district revenues. August/September Closing of the books from prior year. Determining carry-over in current year. October State census day. Based on student population the first Wednesday of October. December First Interim reporting, which reflects projected revenues, expenses, and year-end fund balances based on data through October 31. January Certification of P1 (period 1) attendance reports (average daily attendance – ADA). Proposed State budget for the succeeding fiscal year. March Second Interim reporting, which reflects projected revenues, expenses, and year-end fund balances based on data through January 31. April/May Certification of P2 (period 2) attendance reports (average daily attendance – ADA). P2 determines the District’s revenue. January - May District budget development for subsequent fiscal year. Excellence in Elementary Education

4 Second Interim Revenue
Second Interim Revenue Excellence in Elementary Education

5 Fund 01.0 – Combined Revenue
Fund 01.0 – Combined Revenue STRS On-Behalf - $3,221,386 Total Projected Combined Revenue $102,993,364 Excellence in Elementary Education

6 Fund 01 – Total Expenditures
Fund 01 – Total Expenditures Excellence in Elementary Education

7 82.15% of total Expenditures Pay Staff Salaries and Benefits
Fund 01 Combined Expenditures $106,965,071 82.15% of total Expenditures Pay Staff Salaries and Benefits Utilities $2,068,857 Internet/Phone $1,281,098 Excellence in Elementary Education

8 Fund 01 – Fund Balance Excellence in Elementary Education

9 Other Funds Excellence in Elementary Education

10 Budget Assumptions Excellence in Elementary Education

11 Multi-Year Projection (MYP)
Combined General Fund Multi-Year Projection (MYP) Excellence in Elementary Education

12 Unrestricted General Fund - MYP
Excellence in Elementary Education

13 Restricted General Fund - MYP
Excellence in Elementary Education

14 Combined Fund Balance - MYP
Excellence in Elementary Education

15 Reserve Excellence in Elementary Education
Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recommends 17% minimum reserves for government entities Per, California Department of Education the Statewide Average Reserve levels for Elementary School Districts was 21.07% Excellence in Elementary Education

16 Questions? Excellence in Elementary Education

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