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Photo credits: Top Left: Richard Wainwright Top Right: Emma Murray

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Presentation on theme: "Photo credits: Top Left: Richard Wainwright Top Right: Emma Murray"— Presentation transcript:

1 Photo credits: Top Left: Richard Wainwright Top Right: Emma Murray Middle Left: Richard Wainwright Middle Right: Ashish Peter Gomes Bottom Left: Cassandra Hill Bottom Right: Nguyen Minh Duc

2 You are our constant hope!
Thandolwayo washes her face from the newly installed solar powered piped water system. Before the pipe was installed she would often get sick and miss school from illness and being tired from collecting water. Photo Credit: Richard Wainwright. Creator God, You are our constant hope! Photo Credit: Richard Wainwright.

3 Tati in part of her community’s preserved forest collecting rebung, a young bamboo vegetable used for cooking. Photo Credit: Richard Wainwright. In the season of Lent, you call us to prayer, fasting and love of those most marginalised. Photo Credit: Richard Wainwright

4 As a community of faith and courage,
Peter and his friend - with one of the school’s dried up water sources behind them. Photo Credit: Cassandra Hill, Caritas Australia. As a community of faith and courage, Photo Credit: Cassandra Hill.

5 let our gifts to Project Compassion be symbols of hope and solidarity…
Trainee Michaela grinds some irmangka to use in the next batch of bush balm. The Purple House produces a range of bush products to help nourish and sooth the skin using traditional recipes. Photo Credit: Emma Murray. let our gifts to Project Compassion be symbols of hope and solidarity… Photo Credit: Emma Murray.

6 … with our one human family.
Salma and her baby Samiul. Photo Credit: Ashish Peter Gomes. … with our one human family. Photo Credit: Ashish Peter Gomes.

7 Accompany us as we journey with Jesus…
Nguyet playing outdoors with friends. Photo Credit: Nguyen Minh Duc. Accompany us as we journey with Jesus… Photo Credit: Nguyen Minh Duc.

8 … to bring ‘good news’ to all creation and…
Thandolwayo (right) and her friend walk to school. Since the installation of a solar powered piped water system into her village bringing fresh clean drinking water, she is now able to spend more time at school and study and lives a healthier life. She is in grade 5 and hopes to become a nurse. Photo Credit: Richard Wainwright. … to bring ‘good news’ to all creation and… Photo Credit: Richard Wainwright.

9 … ready our hearts to work for the common good of all your people.
Tati (centre) sitting on the veranda of the eco-tourism project long house making woollen orangutan dolls alongside other community members making bamboo woven baskets to sell to tourists. Photo Credit: Richard Wainwright. … ready our hearts to work for the common good of all your people. Photo Credit: Richard Wainwright.

10 We ask this is Jesus’ name, Amen.
Peter uses precious water to fill a kettle to help school chefs to prepare rice for students’ lunch. Photo Credit: Cassandra Hill, Caritas Australia. We ask this is Jesus’ name, Amen. Photo Credit: Cassandra Hill, Caritas Australia.


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