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Algorithms CSCI 235, Spring 2019 Lecture 16 Quick Sort Read Ch. 7

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1 Algorithms CSCI 235, Spring 2019 Lecture 16 Quick Sort Read Ch. 7

2 Quick Sort QuickSort is one of the more widely used sorting methods because: It is not difficult to implement. It works well in a variety of situations. In many situations it consumes fewer resources. It is very well understood and analyzed.

3 Pseudocode for QuickSort
Quick-Sort(A) QSort(A, 1, A.length) QSort(A, lo, hi) if lo < hi p = Partition(A, lo, hi) QSort(A, lo, p) QSort(A, p + 1, hi) Partition(A, lo, hi) //Rearrange A into non-empty segments //A[lo..p] and A[p+1..hi] such that all //elements in the left segment are //less than all elements in the right one. //Return partitioning index p.

4 Two Finger Partition Choose A[lo] as the pivot.
Sort all elements so that elements with value < pivot are on the left and all elements with value > pivot are on the right. Idea: Move two fingers in from the ends of the array until you find something with value <= pivot on the right and something >= pivot on the left. These two values are out of order (if left position < right position), so we swap them. Continue until left >= right. Return partition index (right).

5 Example

6 2 finger partition pseudocode
Two-Finger-Partition(A, lo, hi) pivot = A[lo] // Choose A[lo] to be pivot left = lo // Initially two subarrays right = hi // are empty while true // Loop invariant at this point: // (1) A[lo..left] contains elements ≤ pivot. // (2) A[right..hi] contains elements ≥ pivot. // (3) A[left+1..right-1] hasn't been processed yet. repeat right = right // Scan from right end of until lesseq(A[right], pivot) // array until finding an // element lesseq than pivot repeat left = left // Scan from left end of until lesseq(pivot, A[left]) // array until finding an // element greater than pivot if left < right // Exchange left and right swap(A, left, right) else return right // Loop repeats until left ≥ right // Right is returned at end

7 Analysis of QuickSort The running time of quicksort depends on the partitioning algorithm. An important consideration is whether the partition is balanced or unbalanced. Worst case: Partition ends up with 1 subarray of size n-1 and the other subarray of size 1. This is unbalanced partitioning.

8 Running time for unbalanced partition
T(n) = T(n-1) cost to partition cost of one subarray cost of other subarray Cost of 2 finger partition: T2(n) = ? T(n) = ? When does the worst case occur?

9 Best Case Partitioning--Balanced
Balanced partition is when the array is divided in half at each step. T(n) = ?

10 Another uneven split Suppose every split gives 2 arrays whose ratio in size is 99:1 T(n) = T(99n/100) + T(n/100) + n cost of partition We will work this out in class.

11 Alternating "good" and "bad" partitions
It is unlikely to have the same split at every level for a randomly ordered array. What happens if "good" splits alternate with bad splits? n Cost of 2 levels = ? 1 n-1 (n-1)/2 (n-1)/2 Number of levels < 2lgn (Why?) Running time = ?

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