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Measures of Mortality Part 2

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1 Measures of Mortality Part 2

2 Outline: Standardization Direct adjusted rates Indirect adjusted rates

3 Standardization A principal role in demography is to compare the mortality between two or more populations. The comparison of crude mortality rates is misleading. 2/6/2015

4 If the populations being compared differ greatly with respect to , for example, age or sex, that will affect the overall rate of morbidity or mortality. 2/6/2015

5 For example, age is an important determinant of mortality.
An older population will have a higher overall mortality rate than a younger population. As a result, variations in age will complicate any comparison between two or more populations that have different age structures. 2/6/2015

6 This is achieved by using methods of standardization.
One way to overcome this problem is to combine category specific rates into a single summary rate that has been adjusted to take into account its age structure. This is achieved by using methods of standardization. 2/6/2015

7 Methods of Standardization
There are two methods of standardization commonly used: 1- Direct method 2- Indirect method 2/6/2015

8 Direct Adjusted Rates Requires a standard population, to which the estimated age-specific rates can be applied Choice of the standard population may affect the magnitude of the age-adjusted rates, but not the ranking of the population

9 How to calculate standardized crude death rate?
1- Select a standard population, whose age distribution will be the standard for comparison. 2- calculate age specific death rate for the two populations (A and B). 2/6/2015

10 3- Calculate the expected number of deaths that would occur in a year if the standard population experienced the age-specific death rates (ASDR) of populations A and B. 4- Multiply each age group in the standard population by the corresponding ASDR for populations A and B. 2/6/2015

11 6- To calculate the age-standardized crude rate for each population:
5- Add the columns of the expected deaths for the two populations (A & B) to obtain the total expected deaths in the standard population. 6- To calculate the age-standardized crude rate for each population: Divide the total expected deaths for each population by total standard population. 2/6/2015

12 Population, Deaths, and Death Rate by Community and by Age
Community B Age (year) Population Deaths Death Rate (per 1000) Under 1 1,000 15 15.0 5,000 100 20.0 1 – 14 3,000 3 1.0 20,000 10 0.5 15 – 34 6,000 6 35,000 35 35 – 54 13,000 52 4.0 17,000 85 5.0 55 – 64 7,000 105 8,000 160 Over 64 1,600 80.0 15,000 1,350 90.0 All ages 50,000 1,781 35.6 100,000 1,740 17.4 Death Rate (per 1000) 2/6/2015

13 Age – adjusted death rate (per 1000)
(years) Standard population Death rate in A (per 1,000) Expected deaths at A’s rate in B B’s rate Under 1 6,000 15.0 90 20.0 120.0 1 – 14 23,000 1.0 23 0.5 11.5 15 – 34 41,000 41 41.0 35 – 54 30,000 4.0 120 5.0 150.0 55 – 64 15,000 225 300.0 Over 64 35,000 80.0 2,800 90.0 3,150 Total 150,000 35,6 3,299 17.4 3,772.5 Age – adjusted death rate (per 1000) 22.0 25.0 2/6/2015

14 x 1000 Calculation of standardized death rate
Total standard population = 150,000 Expected deaths for pop A = 3299 Standardized death rate for pop A = Expected deaths pop A x 1000 Total standard population 2/6/2015

15 standardized death rate for pop A:
3299 x 1000 = per 1000 150,000 The result indicates that pop A crude death rate would be 21.99/1000 if it has the same age structure as the standard population which far less than the observed crude death rate 35.6/1000. 2/6/2015

16 standardized death rate for pop B:
Total standard population = 150,000 Expected deaths for pop B = 3,772.5 2/6/2015

17 Standardized death rate for pop B =
Expected deaths pop A x 1000 Total standard population 3,772.5 x 1000 = per 1000 150,000 2/6/2015

18 The result indicates that pop B crude death rate would be 25
The result indicates that pop B crude death rate would be 25.15/1000 if it has the same age structure as the standard population which far more than the observed crude death rate 17.4/1000. 2/6/2015

19 The result indicates that pop A crude death rate would be 21
The result indicates that pop A crude death rate would be 21.99/1000 if it has the same age structure as the standard population which far less than the observed crude death rate 35.6/1000. 2/6/2015

20 This ratio is called the Comparative Mortality Ratio (CMR).
We can calculate: The ratio of the directly standardized rates to provide a single summary measure of the difference in mortality between the two populations. This ratio is called the Comparative Mortality Ratio (CMR). 2/6/2015

21 Comparative Mortality Ratio (CMR)
calculated by dividing the overall age adjusted rate in country B by that of A. In our example: Comparative Mortality Ratio (CMR) = 25.15/21.99 = 1.14 2/6/2015

22 This CMR is interpreted as:
after controlling for the affects of age, the mortality in Country B is 14% higher than in country A. 2/6/2015

23 Example 2: Table 2 presents crude mortality data for two populations (countries A and B). The overall crude mortality rate is higher for country A (10.5 deaths per 1,000 person years) 2/6/2015

24 compared with country B (7 deaths per 1,000 person years).
Notice the ASDRs rates being higher among all age-groups in country B. For example, 18% of the population in country A are aged over 60 years compared with 6% in country B. 2/6/2015

25 Table 2. Crude mortality rates stratified by age for two populations (country a, B).
Country B Age group # deaths/ 1000 Pop (M) in millions Death rate # deaths Pop Death rate/ 0 - 29 7,000 6 1.2 6,300 1,500,000 4.2 20,000 5.5 3.6 3,000 550,000 60+ 120,000 2.5 48 6,000 50 Total 147,000 14 10.5 15,300 2,170,000 7

26 Country A has a much older population than country B.
The reason for the difference between the crude mortality rates between country A and country B is that these two populations have markedly different age-structures. Country A has a much older population than country B. 2/6/2015

27 Table 3. Standard population
Age group Pop 0 - 29 100,000 65,000 60+ 20,000 Total 185,000 2/6/2015

28 Age (years) Standard population Death rate in A (per 1,000) Expected deaths at A’s rate in B B’s rate 0 - 29 100,000 1.2 120 4.2 420 65,000 3.6 234 5.5 357.5 60+ 20,000 48 960 50 1,000 Total 185,000 10.5 1,314 7 1,777.5 2/6/2015

29 x 1000 Calculation of standardized death rate
Total standard population = 185,000 Expected deaths for pop A = 1314 Standardized death rate for pop A = Expected deaths pop A x 1000 Total standard population 2/6/2015

30 1314 x 1000 = 7.1 per 1000 185,000 standardized death rate for pop A:
The result indicates that pop A crude death rate would be 7.1/1000 if it has the same age structure as the standard population which is less than the observed crude death rate 10.5/1000. 2/6/2015

31 x 1000 Calculation of standardized death rate
Total standard population = 185,000 Expected deaths for pop A = Standardized death rate for pop B = Expected deaths pop A x 1000 Total standard population 2/6/2015

32 standardized death rate for pop B:
1777.5 x 1000 = 9.6 per 1000 185,000 The result indicates that pop A crude death rate would be 9.6/1000 if it has the same age structure as the standard population which is more than the observed crude death rate 7/1000. 2/6/2015

33 We can calculate the Comparative Mortality Ratio (CMR) as:
= 9.6/7.1 = 1.35 2/6/2015

34 CMR is interpreted as: After controlling for the affects of age, the mortality in Country B is 35% higher than in country A. 2/6/2015

35 Indirect Adjustment of Rates
Used if age-specific rates cannot be estimated.

36 Indirect Adjustment of Rates
Based on applying the age-specific rates of the standard population to the population of interest to determine the number of “expected” deaths. Steps in calculation: 1- Choose standard population and list its age-specific death rate. 2/6/2015

37 Suppose we selected population B as the standard population.
List ASDR for population B. List the age distribution of the pop A in the next column. Calculate expected deaths for pop A by multiplying each age group by the corresponding ASDR for the standard population. 2/6/2015

38 Sum the column of the expected deaths.
This total shows the number of deaths that would occur if population A experienced the ASDR of pop B. Calculate the standardized mortality ratio as: 2/6/2015

39 ____________________
Standardized Mortality Ratio(SMR)= Total observed deaths In population (A) ____________________ Total expected deaths in a population (A) 2/6/2015

40 Standard death rate pop B Expected deaths in A at standard rates
Age (years) Standard death rate pop B (per 1,000) Total population A Expected deaths in A at standard rates Observed Deaths A Under 1 20.0 1,000 15 1 – 14 0.5 3,000 1.5 3 15 – 34 1.0 6,000 6.0 6 35 – 54 5.0 13,000 65.0 52 55 – 64 7,000 140.0 105 Over 64 90.0 20,000 1,800.0 1,600 Total 17.4 50,000 2,032.5 1,781 2/6/2015

41 SMRA = 1781 / = 0.876 The result shows that the observed deaths in A were 12% lower than they would have been if A ASDR were the same as those of pop B. 2/6/2015

42 Standardized Mortality Ratio
The ratio is exactly 1 if the observed and expected deaths are the same. If the SMR is greater than 1, more deaths have occurred than anticipated. If SMR is less than 1, fewer deaths have occurred than anticipated. 2/6/2015

43 Example 2: Table 2 presents crude mortality data for two populations (countries A and B). The overall crude mortality rate is higher for country A (10.5 deaths per 1,000 person years) 2/6/2015

44 compared with country B (7 deaths per 1,000 person years).
Notice the ASDRs rates being higher among all age-groups in country B. For example, 18% of the population in country A are aged over 60 years compared with 6% in country B. 2/6/2015

45 Table 2. Crude mortality rates stratified by age for two populations (country a, B).
Country B Age group # deaths/ 1000 Pop (M) Death rate # deaths Pop Death rate/ 0 - 29 7,000 6 1.2 6,300 1,500,000 4.2 20,000 5.5 3.6 3,000 550,000 60+ 120,000 2.5 48 6,000 50 Total 147,000 14 10.5 15,300 2,170,000 7

46 Country A has a much older population than country B.
The reason for the difference between the crude mortality rates between country A and country B is that these two populations have markedly different age-structures. Country A has a much older population than country B. 2/6/2015

47 Table 3. Standard population
Age group Pop 0 - 29 100,000 65,000 60+ 20,000 Total 185,000 2/6/2015

48 Total expected deaths (E) 9,540
Table 3. Number of expected deaths if the population B had the same age-specific mortality rates as Country A. Country B Expected deaths 0 - 29 x 1,500,000 = 1,800 x 550,000 = 1,980 60+ 0.048 x 120,000 = 5,760 Total expected deaths (E) 9,540 Total observed deaths (O) 15,300 Standardized Mortality Ratio (O/E) x 100 160 2/6/2015

49 An overall summary measure can then be calculated, that is, the standardized mortality ratio (SMR), which is the ratio of the observed number of deaths to the expected number of deaths. 2/6/2015

50 SMR = Observed number of deaths (O) X 100% Expected number of deaths (E) SMR = 160 = 1.6 X 100 = This means: The number of observed deaths in Country B is 60% higher than the number we would expect if Country B had the same mortality experience as Country A. 2/6/2015

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