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Coordinated Engagement

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1 Coordinated Engagement

2 National instruments (Environment Protection Fund)
OUTLINE Coordination Planning on NAPs Investments National instruments (Environment Protection Fund)

3 COORDINATION Actors  Responsibility / Content Frequency GEF/GCF committee* Guidance Projects consideration Every 6 months Ad-hoc meetings (when necessary) OFP/NDA Teams Technical Coordination meetings Technical Coordination meetings : NDA and OFP teams Current status of project status and development Every 3 months GEF/GCF on-going projects/readiness Technical meeting CTAs/Project Manager /DPs Share experience / approaches /lessons learned identification of scale-up/replication projects   * From approval by Minister decision / GCF addendum

4 PLANNING : THE NAPs STEPS AREAS DETAILS Frequency / Time 1 NDA/OFP GEF/GCF Projects Information to be shared. Example: The UNEP NAP Prodoc At submission to GEF Sec 2 GCF - NAP Call for proposal on Water NAPs, open to accredited entities/delivery partners (+ support from GCF for the call to be explored) Select 2 or 3 NAP projects 3 NAP Technical coordination arrangement Establish a NAP GEF/GCF Technical Coordination Mechanism – including SAMIS, NAP, etc 3 months

5 INVESTMENTS Short term – Scaling up the UNDP IRAS project and ensure synergies of GCF-UNDP project with ongoing GEF-LDCF projects (ex. SAMIS) Co-financing of GEF-7 and GCF resources World Bank Lao PDR Landscape and Livelihood(3L) project to be further explored, including private sector engagement Short to Medium Term - Under the Non GEF-7 STAR allocation Explore the possibility to finance a GEF international waters focal area (MRC, riparian countries, NMC) and a GCF hydromet information systems (DMH) for the whole Mekong basin (LNMC&DMH) Explore the possibility to scale up the GEF-5 ADB public transport with GCF resources Explore the possibility of waste to energy – GEF-7 waste focal area & GCF private sector Long term – Under the LDCF Explore the possibility to co-finance activities under the LDCF and GCF on investment oriented projects; potentially to finance the investment identify as part of the GCF NAP process (investment oriented)

GEF-OFP and GCF-NDA will continue channeling resources through the EPF. Activities on-going/to be done related to EPF: To continue GCF accreditation process and enhanced capacity Apply to GCF Online Accreditation System To consider becoming GCF readiness delivery partner Apply for GCF FMCA - Financial Management Capacity Assessment GEF Executing entity WB LENS2 (GEF-5) and UNDP Forest (GEF-6) [on-going] Organize an event on lessons learned GCF Executing Entity with GIZ-Forest project –[when GCF project approved] Establish a new Window for Climate Change and/or Carbon Finance Assess the possibility of developing a EPF-SGP (Small Grant Program) to finance national/international NGOs , associations and SMEs.

7 Thank you

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