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PDO and Arrays MIS 3502 Jeremy Shafer Department of MIS

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Presentation on theme: "PDO and Arrays MIS 3502 Jeremy Shafer Department of MIS"— Presentation transcript:

1 PDO and Arrays MIS 3502 Jeremy Shafer Department of MIS
Fox School of Business Temple University

2 Roadmap We are here. Part 2 JavaScript jQuery Part 1 MVC PDO Bootstrap

3 Agenda Old business New business
Review code which opens a PDO database connection Review the PDO methods – prepare, bindvalue, execute, fetch, fetchAll, closecursor Review sample code which executes SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements New business A tip for managing errors An alternative to named placeholders The lastInsertId method Discuss different kinds of arrays

4 Opening a database connection
The syntax for executing a method of any object $objectName->methodName(argumentList) What’s the meaning of this?


6 What’s the purpose of this line?
Tip! What’s the purpose of this line?


8 Remember the order: prepare bindValue Execute

9 Using the question mark placeholder instead of a named placeholder.
Tip! Using the question mark placeholder instead of a named placeholder.

10 Retrieves one database record as a one dimensional array.
SELECT Retrieves one database record as a one dimensional array. Remember the order: prepare bindValue execute fetch closeCursor It’s a mantra!

11 What is an array? An array is a data type that can contain one or more items called elements. Each element stores a value that you can refer to with an index. The length of the array indicates the number of elements that it contains. In short, an array is a structure that allows us to store multiple pieces of similar data.

12 One Dimensional Array [0] [1] [2] [‘first’] [‘last’] [‘id’] ‘Mike’
‘Murach’ ‘6453’ [‘first’] [‘last’] [‘id’] ‘Mike’ ‘Murach’ ‘6453’

13 Where do arrays come from?


15 Retrieves multiple database records as a two dimensional array.
Remember the order: prepare bindValue execute fetchAll closeCursor

16 Multidimensional Arrays

17 Can be hard to read…

18 Some folks think this is easier to read…

19 INSERT Tip!



22 A handy function… Let’s try that…

23 Some fetchAll options PDO::FETCH_BOTH (default): returns an array indexed by both column name and 0-indexed column number as returned in your result set PDO::FETCH_ASSOC: returns an array indexed by column name as returned in your result set PDO::FETCH_NUM: returns an array indexed by column number as returned in your result set, starting at column 0 And.. there are others. But these three you should know. If you want to know more:

24 Next time we will…

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