Guidelines for Library Users

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1 Guidelines for Library Users
To prepare new library card Fill up the Membership form (available on the website as well as in library) and submit it to the library staff along with two stamp sized photographs. How to search books / journals: Search Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) and note the call no. of the book. Books on stacks are arranged according to the call nos. You can directly bring the book from stack or ask any library staff for help. Web address of this library OPAC is: Rules for document issue and reissue You may issue/keep six books at a time for a period of one month. Failing to return the books within due date will charge the fine of Re.1 per day per book. However, you can re-issue the book if there is no demand. Faculty members may issue books required for their course teaching for a period of six months. In such case, please inform the library staff that the books are borrowed for course teaching and to be exempted from late fine. How to check issued documents and late fine status online You can check the present status of issued documents and the late fine (if any) yourself directly from the web : Put your Membership no. (as mentioned in your library card). OPAC will show you the issued books status and the due fine amount (if any).

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