P9 Community Coordination Exercise Updates

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1 P9 Community Coordination Exercise Updates
Lynn Yarmey for the RDA Secretariat 25/04/2019 rd-alliance.org

2 Remind me…what is this? Before P9, we opened a call for ideas to make RDA better Day 1 – brainstorming closed with almost 60 brainstorming responses Day 2 – These ideas were categorized and reported back to the community (Summary slides are available) Day 3 – Categorized ideas summarized into lists and RDA voted!

3 Changes since P9 Support the session chairs at the plenaries by providing the session participant lists Change made: Starting with the bad news… At the meetings, have better WiFi Change made: Internet text in Plenary Guidelines updated, remote participation channels switched to hardlines, technical support increased, etc.

4 Changes since P9 At plenaries, take notes collaboratively rather than everyone by themselves Change made: Google doc link added to every session page Default to making slides available when talk starts Change made: ‘Slides and Materials’ space added to every session page Move the content of this spreadsheet to a platform better suited to handling ideas Change made: Working with sli.do for P10

5 Changes since P9 Define use cases, hackathon topics, more co- organized plenary working sessions Change made: Conversations underway for P11 Advise Group Chairs to use collaboration tools, offer simple guidelines to maximize time Change made: Chairs’ Primer updated, prompts for online notes, gathering successful tool info Challenge-driven groups No formal changes. Community is taking action

6 Changes since P9 Use common terminology to describe activities, interests, groups. Create a conceptual map of concepts, groups, interests Changes in progress: Community conversations across WG/IG Chairs, TAB/Chairs meetings, Mapping the Landscape IG, Atlas of Knowledge, Atlas of Organizations, within Secretariat Additional highly-voted idea updates on following slides, I won’t present them today.

7 Changes since P9 Add 'area directors' (like with IETF)
No Changes: Resources, strategy needed Improve website search to include content of documents Change made: Technical updates in the queue RDA paid staff dedicated to coordination No changes: Resources needed

8 Changes since P9 Challenge-driven groups
No formal changes. Community is taking action Continue existing TAB representatives in each group Change made: TAB growing Expand remote plenary attendance options Change made: Remote participation channels increased, cost barriers in discussion

9 Changes since P9 Off-cycle chairs meetings with a particular focused topic No short-term changes needed: Next Chairs’ meeting in January, Washington D.C. Formalise cross-group liaison No formal changes. Community is taking action

10 Ideas and feedback always welcome!
Thank you Ideas and feedback always welcome! Contact the Secretariat:

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