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Characteristics of Living Things

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Presentation on theme: "Characteristics of Living Things"— Presentation transcript:

1 Characteristics of Living Things

2 What is LIFE?

3 LIFE How do you distinguish between something that is living or non-living?

4 Do all living organisms:
Move? Breathe? Require oxygen?

5 LIFE How do you differentiate between something that might have once been living and something that never was a life form?

6 To be a member of the living, one must:

7 Be composed of cell(s) Cell – living matter enclosed in a barrier

8 Be able to reproduce as a species/group
Asexual reproduction One organism (parent) produces offspring Sexual reproduction Two parents needed for creation of next generation

9 Be based on a universal genetic code
DNA is a complex chemical (molecule) that contains the code for life

10 Be able to grow and develop

11 Obtain and use energy Metabolism

12 Respond to environment

13 Maintain stable, near constant, internal conditions

14 Change over time, as a group.
Evolution is the group change over many generations.

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