Unto the shade of the crimson cross,

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Presentation on theme: "Unto the shade of the crimson cross,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unto the shade of the crimson cross,
Jesus, I Come To Thee Unto the shade of the crimson cross, Seeking for cleansing of stain and dross; Counting the pleasures of sin but loss, Jesus, I come, I come to Thee. Blessed Lamb of Calvary, I come to Thee, to Thee; Only Thy blood can cleanse the soul, 1-3 Words and Music by Austin Taylor

2 Thirsty and weary, by sin oppressed,
Jesus, I Come To Thee Thirsty and weary, by sin oppressed, Wand’ring from God without peace or rest, Pleading for refuge upon Thy breast, Jesus, I come, I come to Thee. Blessed Lamb of Calvary, I come to Thee, to Thee; Only Thy blood can cleanse the soul, 2-3

3 Naught for Thy glory have I to bring,
Jesus, I Come To Thee Naught for Thy glory have I to bring, Just to be near Thee and to Thee cling, Shelter beneath Thy unfolded wing, Jesus, I come, I come to Thee. Blessed Lamb of Calvary, I come to Thee, to Thee; Only Thy blood can cleanse the soul, 3-3

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