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Recording and Reporting

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1 Recording and Reporting
Personal Qualities of a Health Care Worker

2 Making Observations Sense of sight Color of skin Swelling, edema
Rash, sores Color of urine, stool Amount of food eaten Etc. If pt expresses the worse pain in their life but they are talking and smiling what would you be thinking? What do you see? Does what you see match what they are telling you?

3 Making Observations Sense of smell Body odor
Unusual odors of breath, wounds, urine or stool You can smell ETOH, marijuana, or wounds. Wounds smell awful as do urine or stool.

4 Making Observations Sense of touch Pulse Skin dryness or temperature
Perspiration Swelling

5 Making Observations Sense of hearing
Used while listening to respirations, abnormal body sounds, coughs, speech

6 Two Types of Observations
Subjective “symptoms”, cannot be seen or felt statements by patient Objective (Observed) “signs” that can be seen or measured bruise, cut, rash, B/P Measurable vital signs weight and height test result Disease symptoms that can be observed by somebody other than the person who is ill OBJECTIVE: perceived to exist only by the patient and is not recognizable to anyone else Example: Headache (H/A), Stomach pain, muscle ache

7 Basic Rules for Recording
Recorded information should be accurate, concise and complete Writing should be neat and legible Spelling and grammar must be correct Only objective observations should be noted What did we say your medical record is? (Legal Document) Therefore, the information in that chart could be used in a court of law at ANY TIME. Information has to be correct, legible, complete, and concise. You can put subjective information in the chart and you will but you will also indicate things like “Pt c/o h/a.. Pt states that he has had back pain for months”. It will be clear that it the pt’s view or thoughts.

8 Basic Rules for Recording
Record statements in patient’s own words, in quotation marks Sign with name and title Errors – cross out neatly with straight line, “error” and initials c/o pain in nek neck error KS

9 HIPAA Strict standards for maintaining confidentiality of health care records Patients must be able to see/obtain their records, and control who sees them Health care workers must protect privacy of patient records

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