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30 Sep 2018.

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1 30 Sep 2018

2 Characteristics of the Mature Man

3 Makes a Mature man Suffering 1:1-20
Scripture Study 1:13-17,19,20,22-25 Sincerity 2:1-13 Christian Service 2:14-26 Sound Speech 3:1-18,1:26,27

4 Makes a Mature man Submission to God 4:1-17 Self-Sacrifice 5:1-6
Steadfastness 5:7-11 Supplication 5:12-18 Soul Winning 5:19-20

5 Suffering Makes a Mature man 1:1-20 1

6 A. The Sources of Suffering
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials 1:2 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation 1:12

7 1. Trial Sufferings Comes from God Bring out the Best in us

8 Abraham was tested Gen 22:1, Heb 11:17

9 Children of God Deut 8:2-3

10 Moses Exodus 20:20

11 Christ to His Disciples
Luke 22:28

12 Peter says ‘Manifold trials’

13 2. Temptation Sufferings
Comes from the Devil (using the World and the Flesh) Bring out the Worst in us

14 Of his own Lust and enticed
James 1:13,14, Gen 3:1-6 Mat 4:1-2, 2 Cor 11:3-4

15 Conclusion Both Trials and Temptations are often opposite sides of the same coin Both God and Satan may be working in the life of a believer through the same event, one to purify him and the other to pervert him

16 B. The Characteristics of Suffering
They are often sudden 1:2 They are certain – Not if you fall… They are sorted : Into diverse trials, Financial Physical Spiritual Mental Social Trials

17 C. The Purpose of Suffering
God causes or allows all sufferings to fall into our lives. Why ? Because suffering produces endurance down here. 1:3-4. Because suffering promises rewards up there. 1:12

18 D. The Attitude in Suffering
How is the believer to respond to trials and tribulations? Count it all Joy James 1:2 Mat 5:12 Rejoice 1 Pet 1:6 Rejoice… Manifold Temptations 1 Pet 4: Rejoice Partakers of Christ’s suffering - Partakers of Christ’s Glory

19 Special Notes James was the oldest half brother of Jesus (Mark 6:3, Mat 13:55) He was the full brother of Jude, who wrote the book of Jude James was an unbeliever prior to the resurrection (John 7:3-10). Christ appeared to him (1 Cor 15:7) he later appears in the upper room awaiting Pentecost (Acts 1:14)

20 Special Notes He became the first pastor of the Jerusalem church (Acts 12:17, 15:13, Gal 2:1,9, 10, 12). His Epistle is perhaps the earliest in NT dated around AD45. Synagogue rather than Church is mentioned as the place of meeting 2:2 (Circle of Judaism) It may be considered the Proverbs of the NT

21 Special Notes He does not point out the physical relationship between himself and Christ. Refers to himself as “A servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ” 1:1 Highest quality Greek was used. Only 4 OT direct quotes, 53 OT references


23 Scripture Study Makes a Mature man 1:17-18, 21-25 2

24 Father has given us the old book
V17 – Coming down from the father Who does not change Like shifting shadows

25 The Old book has given us the New Birth
V18 - Word of Truth V21 – Accept the Word

26 The believer is therefore to read it carefully
V25 – Continue to do Not forgetting what he has heard But doing it He will be blessed

27 The believer is therefore to heed it carefully
V22- Do what the Word says

28 For Downloads visit

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