Ancient Greece Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Greece Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Greece Review

2 empire em – pire (n) Kid friendly definition – a group of countries under one rule or government Sentence stem – At one time, the Spanish…

3 ideal i – deal (adj) Kid friendly definition – perfect; just as you wish Sentence stem – Many people believe the beach is the …

4 mythology myth – ol – o – gy (n)
Kid friendly definition - a group of legends or stories about a particular country or person; traditional stories that explain natural events Sentence stem – Many people name pets after gods and goddesses of Roman and Greek…

5 architecture arch – i – tect – ure (n)
Kid friendly definition – style or special type of building Sentence stem – Joshua wanted to design buildings, so he…

6 democracy de – moc – ra – cy (adj)
Kid friendly definition – government that is run by the people Sentence stem – The United States is…

7 More Words to Know Greek Roots
Many English words have Greek roots. democracy- rule by the people demos- the people kratos- rule

8 geophysics laws governing the earth

9 democratic upholding the interests of the common people; treating people of all classes the same way

10 philosophy set of beliefs

11 geology science that deals with the structure of the Earth

12 monarch king or queen

13 demographics statistical data of a human population

14 philanthropist a person who likes to help other people

15 Comprehension Skill: Graphic Sources
Graphic sources include maps, charts, diagrams, and other visual presentations of information.

16 Text-Based Response Look Back and Write (Pg. 376, #5) What does the term “the Golden Age of Athens” mean? When was the Golden Age of Athens? Look back at page 367 and write a summary of this particular period in Greek history. Provide evidence to support your answer.

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