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Did McCarthy overreact to the “Communist threat”?

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Presentation on theme: "Did McCarthy overreact to the “Communist threat”?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Did McCarthy overreact to the “Communist threat”?

2 Each of you will be given a piece of paper
Each of you will be given a piece of paper. Some of you will have blank, white pieces of paper, while others will have red dots on their paper. Once you get your piece paper, look at it and then place it in your pocket. DO NOT show it to anyone! You will then walk around the room and get into groups with people who you think have white, blank pieces of paper. Those of you who have red on your piece of paper should pretend that you have a blank, white piece of paper so that you get into a group. Whichever group has the largest amount of people without red dots, earns 5 points on their next exam. If you have a red dot paper and get into a group, you win too. IF YOU SHOW OR TELL ANYONE WHAT PIECE OF PAPER YOU HAVE, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE GAME!

3 Cold War impacts U.S. New intelligent agencies
Department of Defense Central Intelligence Agency Investigating loyalty of the members of the government

4 Joseph R. McCarthy Senator of Wisconsin
Accusations (claims) about communist influence in government Led anti-communist investigations

5 “Five years after a world war has been won, men should be expecting a long period of peace, and men’s minds should be free from the worries of war. But this is not a time-period of peace. This is a time of the ‘cold war’ the reason why we find ourselves in a position of weakness is because of the actions of traitors within our own country. This fact is obviously true in the State Department. In my opinion, the State Department is completely infested with communists. I have in my hand 57 cases of people who are suspected members of the Communist party, yet they are still part of our government – in the State Department.” - Senator Joseph McCarthy, 1950

6 House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)
Investigate charges of communist activities in the government Hearings to question political ideas of members of many different groups Peace organizations Movie industry Spies for the Soviet Union Thrown in jail

7 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Two American citizens Found guilty for giving Soviets secrets about atomic weapons Executed in 1953

8 McCarthyism The belief that everyone might be a spy
The belief that certain people might be communist Assumptions about appearance or background Mass Paranoia about who people are

9 People Oppose McCarthy
“The American people are sick and tired of being afraid to speak their minds or they will politically smeared as communists or Fascists by their opponents, freedom of speech has been abused by some.” Senator Chase, 1950 “We cannot defend freedom overseas by forgetting freedom at home” - Edward R. Murrow

10 Edward R. Murrow and Other people who opposed McCarthyism
Macarthyism is not right People’s freedom is limited: limited in civil liberties

11 Dialogue (Conversation)
Joseph McCarthy and Edward R. Murrow are together having coffee. Create a dialogue between the two men on the various stations: HUAC, Cold War Propaganda, Rosenbergs.

12 “Answering the Aim” Based on what you learned in today’s lesson:
Did McCarthy overreact to the “Communist threat”? Be sure to read through the rubric for what is required to achieve a 5.

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