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HERESIES Against the Church

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1 HERESIES Against the Church

2 DOCETISM ARGUMENT: Jesus only seemed to be human.
IMPLICATION: Jesus was divine but not Human. PROBLEM: If Jesus was not fully human, neither was his passion, death, resurrection and ascension; therefore we would not be redeemed. RESOLUTION: Jesus is fully human and divine. WHERE/ WHEN/ BY WHOM: Council of Chalcedon 451 St. Iraneus

3 ARIANISM ARGUMENT: Jesus was created by God.
IMPLICATION: Jesus was made- not Divine. PROBLEM: If Jesus was not Divine, he would have neither the power, nor authority to redeem us. RESOLUTION: Jesus is the same substance as the Father, therefore, Jesus is Divine. WHERE/ WHEN/ BY WHOM: Council of Nicea 325 St. Athanasius

4 MONOPHYSITISM ARGUMENT: Jesus’ divinity absorbed his humanity.
IMPLICATION: Jesus has only one nature- almost completely divine. PROBLEM: Jesus is no longer really human. RESOLUTION: Jesus is one divine person with two natures: human and divine. WHERE/ WHEN/ BY WHOM: Council of Chalcedon 451 Pope St. Leo I

5 NESTORIANISM ARGUMENT: Jesus is human and divine and Mary is only the mother of the human Jesus. IMPLICATION: God was not born, nor did he die- only Jesus the human side did. PROBLEM: The crucifixion would mean nothing if the divine side of Jesus did not die RESOLUTION: Jesus is one divine person with two natures and Mary is the mother of both. WHERE/ WHEN/ BY WHOM: Council of Ephesus 431 St. Cyril of Alexandria

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