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Happy Thursday October 5!

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Thursday October 5!"โ€” Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Thursday October 5!
Jaguar Jumpstart: Write in your agenda. Place homework on your desk to be checked. Finally, clear your desk for our quiz.

2 Lesson 3: Understanding Addition of Integers
Standard: 7.NS.1.b (on whiteboard) Objectives: Students understand addition of integers as putting together or counting up. For negative numbers โ€œcounting upโ€ is actually counting down. Students use arrows to show the sum of two integers, ๐‘ + ๐‘ž, on a number line and to show that the sum is distance |๐‘ž| from ๐‘ to the right if ๐‘ž is positive and to the left if ๐‘ž is negative. Students refer back to the Integer Game to reinforce their understanding of addition.

3 15 minutes




7 With A Neighbor: Parts a, b, and c.




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