2011 Watershed Professionals Network (WPN) Edith Kanakaole Foundation The Kohala Center Hohonualewa ECONorthwest University of Redlands Funding by NOAA.

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1 2011 Watershed Professionals Network (WPN) Edith Kanakaole Foundation The Kohala Center Hohonualewa ECONorthwest University of Redlands Funding by NOAA Wai Puni Kahaluu

2 112. O ke käne huawai, Akua kënä The man with the water gourd container is like a god 113. O kälina a ka wai i hooulu ai The vines that were propagated by water 114. O ka huli hookawowo honua The taro top that multiplies 115. O pai aa i ke auau ka manawa A time when the root system spread 116. O hee au loloa ka pö The night is long 117. O piha, o pihapiha Filling 118. O pihaü, o pihaä Cramming 119. O pihaë, o pihaö Stuffing 120. O ke koo honua paa ka lani Supporting the earth, securing the skies 121. O lewa ke au iä Kumulipo ka pö The time of Kumulipo is unstable 122. Pö nö It is night 110. He nuku, he wai ka ai a ka läau A portal, plants are sustained by water 111. O ke Akua ke komo, aoe komo kanaka The Gods enter, man does not have access Kumulipo: Wa `Akahi (first age)

3 Key Questions What and where are the major components of the water balance of the region (inputs/ processes/ outputs)? How do we help to understand the value and function of the forest? How do we articulate and better inform land managers and the public in their decision-making? How do we state the obvious, in plain language?

4 Haumea Doctrines & Disciplines Papahulilani The Sky Papahanaumoku The Living Papahulihonua The Land/ Water/ Sea Kumokuhali`i Rising up from the land to cover it Vertical & Horizontal Structure Primary Element of Water Capture



7 Ecosystem Services Value = Waiwai (based upon water) Laws/ Rules: Kanawai (bound by water) K ī ho ʻ iho ʻ i Kanawai (Allowing restoration of a changed area) Kua ā Kanawai (preserve natural processes) Kai Okia Kanawai (Buffer natural process areas) Map and classify these areas

8 Economic Valuation & Tradeoffs Identifying the services valuable in native Hawaiian terms Valuing those services in terms relevant to local decision-making

9 Next Steps Quantify and describe hydrologic processes Map vegetation/ hydrologic connectivity Develop valuation platform based on Kanawai Develop a quantitative/ qualitative decision tool for land managers (based on available information)


11 Contact Chris Heider cheider@watershednet.com 541-760-0712

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