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The Newest Interview Tool

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1 The Newest Interview Tool

2 Invasion of Privacy? Does a potential employer have the right to look at your FACEBOOK? Do you think this is an invasion of privacy or good hiring practice?

3 What is your FACEBOOK Score?
Developed to help employers determine things about your character and personality. 5 Categories: Conscientiousness Emotional stability  Agreeableness  Extraversion Openness

4 Conscientiousness  This is someone who appears to be well organized and hard-working, and that’s reflected in the way he/she sets up his/her Facebook page. Maybe there are a lot of detailed posts, or photos of the person working hard at something.

5 Emotional Stability You seem to be someone who looks at the glass as half full, and seem able to handle stress. That means your page is lacking lots of negative and down-in-the-dumps type posts, and you’re not overly emotional in terms of what you write or the images you post.

6 Agreeableness  This is all about someone who’s able to get along and doesn’t engage in Facebook conflicts, especially heated debates with friends.

7 Extraversion  Here’s where lots of Facebook friends come in handy because having lots of friends is a predictor of extraversion. Also, photos of you in social situations with lots of people (as long as they’re appropriate) are a good thing, compared to pictures of you alone on your couch.

8 Openness   Travel and intellect play into this category. If you appear open to different experiences and viewpoints, then you’re viewed as open. If you’re posting stuff about classic literature you’ll probably score higher than if you’re dishing about the latest trashy novel. And photos of international travel are also a big plus.

9 What’s Your Facebook Score?
Facebook scores are rated on a scale of 1-5: 5 = EXCELLENT … WAY above average 4 = REALLY GOOD … Better than most people 3 = AVERAGE … Not great but not bad either 2 = POOR … Can do a lot better! 1 = AWFUL … Down right embarrassing!

10 Graded Assignment 20 POINTS
Type a one-page paper that includes the following information: Explain ways that employers can use Social Media like Twitter and Facebook to monitor their employees. Explain how employers can use Social Media to communicate with their employees. Explain how Social Media can help businesses to grow and gain more customers. Your paper must be typed using size 12 font and double spaced. You must include 3 different Internet sources … and they must be CREDIBLE! (No Wikipedia, Wiki Answers, Yahoo, etc.)

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