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Rifat Kangi Bled, Slovenia

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1 Rifat Kangi Bled, Slovenia -12.04.2012
Dynamic reference vacuum system for calibration and characterization of Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers TUBITAK UME Rifat Kangi Bled, Slovenia

2 Dynamic Reference Vacuum System

3 Mass Flow: Variable Leak Valve Orifice Mass Flow: - MFC Orifice Method
Throughput Method Mass Flow: - MFC

4 System design information and examination (ISO 21360, 5302, 27892)

5 Dynamic Reference Vacuum System

6 Single Chamber System Throughput Method

7 Double Chamber System Orifice Method

8 Dynamic Reference Vacuum System

9 Mass flow traceability chain needed in the future
± 2 % CVFM Sonic Nozzle ± 0.2 % CPFM ± 5 % Orifice Method Under Establishment: [>110-2 mbar.L/s] The MFC system is not enough to cover the mass flow traceability chain necessary in the vacuum metrology field. Must design and build other mass flow standard in UME.

10 System can be used for Gas Flow Measurement [Q=C×∆P] (Double Chamber System) TMP Evaluation (High Vacuum Pumps) Scroll Pump Evaluation (Low Vacuum Pump) Mass Flow Rate Measurement [dP/dt] at Constant Volume Chamber System can be improved to continuous expansion system QMS Evaluation

11 Long Term Stability Results of Leak Valve
Pressure (mbar) St.Dev. Base Pr. 1,2E-11 5,00E-09 8,8E-11 1,00E-08 1,0E-10 1,00E-07 1,1E-09 1,00E-06 8,2E-09 1,00E-05 3,2E-08

12 Long Term Stability Results of Leak Valve

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