The Late Middle Ages: Social and Political Breakdown

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Presentation on theme: "The Late Middle Ages: Social and Political Breakdown"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Late Middle Ages: Social and Political Breakdown

2 Hundred Years’ War England and France England=victor until 1429 French eventually removed British

3 The Black Death 1347-1350 Plagues 1/3 of W. Europeans died Septicemic
Pneumonic Bubonic 1/3 of W Europeans died

4 The Black Death Cause? Curse from God Cures? Flagellation Bleeding

5 Challenges to RCC Avignon Papacy (1309-1377) Great Schism (1378-1417)
Babylonian Captivity Great Schism ( ) John Wycliffe English d. 1384 Jan Hus Czech d. 1415

6 Cultural Achievements
In Early Middle Ages, culture regressed because of: Barbarian invasions Feudalism People’s concern for barest essentials of life

7 Cultural Achievements
In High Middle Ages, culture progressed because: Church provided leadership and support Crusades spread knowledge of Byzantine and Moslem civilization Towns=centers of culture and learning

8 Cultural Achievements
Architecture Romanesque (pre-1100s) Massive cathedrals Featured: Thick walls Few windows Rounded arches Strong columns

9 Cultural Achievements
Architecture (cont’d) Gothic (1100s+) More graceful style Featured: Flying buttresses Pointed arches Thin walls Stained-glass windows

10 Thrust

11 Notre Dame

12 Cultural Achievements
Higher education Universities founded Except for religion, relied chiefly on Aristotle’s writings Students faced difficulties: Taught in Latin, not vernacular Lacked books and libraries

13 Cultural Achievements
Science & invention Medieval scientists were quite unscientific Rarely experimented or questioned Mainly accepted: Popular superstitions Ideas of Aristotle

14 Cultural Achievements
Science & invention (cont’d) Scientists: Alchemists Astrologers Roger Bacon Science requires: Experimentation Observation

15 Cultural Achievements
Philosophy & theology Scholasticism--method of using pure reason in defense of faith Scholars Peter Abelard Famous medieval teacher Wrote Sic et Non Differing views of RCC leaders on various issues

16 Cultural Achievements
Philosophy & theology (cont’d) Scholars (cont’d) St. Thomas Aquinas Wrote Summa Theologica Denied conflict between reason and faith Influenced by Aristotle

17 Cultural Achievements
Literature Few books written Epic poems Beowulf--Anglo-Saxon poem Song of Roland--French epic Song of Cid--Spanish story Lyrical poems Mostly about love By wandering musicians


19 National Development England/France Spain/Portugal
Russia/Ottoman Empire HRE/Italy

20 The Late Middle Ages: Social and Political Breakdown

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