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[insert capstone title]

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Presentation on theme: "[insert capstone title]"— Presentation transcript:

1 [insert capstone title]
evolve Capstone TeachBack: Presentation Template 1/8/2015 [insert capstone title] [insert Organization name] SYNC capstone Teachback: [Insert date of presentation]

2 evolve Capstone TeachBack: Presentation Template
1/8/2015 1. Focus Describe the general focus of your project:

3 2. Team List the team members who worked on the project: [insert]

4 3. Need Describe the specific need(s) your project aimed to address

5 4. Objectives Describe the specific objectives your team aimed to achieve: [insert]

6 5. Assets Describe the key assets (people, systems, resources) your team engaged to help develop and execute the project: [insert]

7 6. Action Strategies Describe the key action strategies your team used to execute the project: [insert]

8 7. Team Development Describe the team development activities (e.g. team building, training, technical assistance) used to help equip the team for action. [insert]

9 8. Testing & Refinement Describe how your team refined its planned action strategies in response based on the implementation experience: [insert]

10 9. Results to Date Describe the results of your project to date:

11 10. Lessons Learned Described your key lessons learned, including lessons learned about inter-professional collaboration: [insert]

12 11. Success Story Describe a success story or breakthrough that occurred as you were working on your Capstone Project. [insert]

13 12. Next Steps Describe any planned next steps regarding your Capstone Project [insert]

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