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1 Consonants

2 Fricatives 摩擦音 /s/ /z/ 舌端靠近上齿龈 (不要贴住), 气流从舌端和齿龈间通过, 摩擦成音。

3 Fricatives 摩擦音 /s/ /z/ (1) 清辅音后读/s/ (2) 浊辅音/元音后读/z/ (3) /s/ /ks/ /ʃ/ /tʃ/ /dʒ/读音结尾的读/iz/  shows helps oranges bags plays washes likes comes leaves watches feels visits mangoes giraffes /z/ /s/ /iz/ /z/ /z/ /iz/ /s/ /z/ /z/ /iz/ /z/ /s/ /z/ /s/

4 Fricatives 摩擦音 /s/ /z/ Every morning he gets up early, brushes his teeth, washes his face, and eats breakfast. He kisses his wife and kids goodbye. He takes two buses to work. He reads his , checks messages and returns phone calls. He speaks with his colleagues and clients, and conducts meetings. /s/ /iz/  /iz/  /s/ /iz/  /z/ /s/ /iz/  /z/ /s/ /iz/ /z/ /z/ /s/ /z/ /s/ /s/ /z/

5 Fricatives 摩擦音 /s/ /z/ Some say love, it is a river, that _______ the tender reed. Some say love, it is a razor, that _______________ to bleed. Some say love, it is a hunger, an ________ aching need. I say love, it is a flower, and you ____________. It’s the heart afraid of breaking, that never _______________. It’s the dream afraid of waking, that never ________________. It’s the one who won’t be taken, who cannot ____________, And _________ afraid of dying, that never learns to live. drowns leaves your soul endless its only seed learns to dance takes the chance seem to give the soul

6 舌端抬向上齿龈, 形成狭长通道, 气流通过时摩擦成音。
Fricatives 摩擦音 /ʃ/ /ʒ/ 舌身抬起靠近硬腭 (不要贴住), 舌端抬向上齿龈, 形成狭长通道, 气流通过时摩擦成音。 双唇稍收圆并略突出。

7 /ʃ/ /s/ Fricatives 摩擦音 she see show sew ship sip shock sock ash ass
lash lass mesh mess

8 measure pleasure treasure vision decision conclusion occasion
Fricatives 摩擦音 /ʒ/ measure pleasure treasure usually casual garage vision decision conclusion occasion national treasures measure for measure a casual decision Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.

9 Shirley’s rouges and lipsticks
Fricatives 摩擦音 Shirley’s treasures Shirley’s pleasure boat Shirley Shirley’s high heeled shoes Shirley’s rouges and lipsticks

10 /ʃ/ /ʒ/ Fricatives 摩擦音 This shop sells fashionable shorts and shirts.
/ʃ/ /ʒ/ This shop sells fashionable shorts and shirts. She sells fish and shellfish fresh from the ocean. The explosion was of unusual force and completely destroyed the garage.

11 /ʃ/ /ʒ/ Fricatives 摩擦音 A: How do you say “一盘鱼” in English?
/ʃ/ /ʒ/ A: How do you say “一盘鱼” in English? B: A dish of fish. By the way, fish is my favorite dish. A: What do you say to someone who thanks you? B: One of the things you can say is “My pleasure”. A: What time should we meet tomorrow? B: The usual time. A: What place? B: The usual place, in front of the Treasure House. A: But how can you measure pleasure? B: You can measure anything. A: But pleasure’s immeasurable. B: It’s not immeasurable.

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