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Conversations: HC2020 and beyond

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1 Conversations: HC2020 and beyond
12th October 2018 Sandton

2 Who is Ntombi Langa-Royds
56 year old Black African woman Mother to a 29 yr old and a 17 yr old Wife, Mother and Mother in Law, Daughter, Friend, Sister etc. Holds 2 legal degrees Holds NED directorships in various companies Attempted Entrepreneur “Student and observer of Life”

3 Why are conversations important?
Understanding Alignment Growth innovation Misunderstanding Misalignment Stagnation and integration Downward spirals

4 Education sector and curriculum
Changing world: Keeping up with it? What is the true impact of this revolution and do we need to worry about it? Financial services Insurance industry Education sector and curriculum 4th industrial revolution Climate change and its effect on day to day lives Scarcity of water Bitcoin Bankable market Insurable items Importance of analytical skills.. Careers of the future

5 …Stir in Complexity What’s next?! Analyst and investor expectations
Growing workloads No cushion of surplus talent New technology, new tools 24/7/365 demands Information and cognitive overload Breathless pace of business Ongoing restructuring Blurring boundaries Uncertainty, time, ambiguity Regulatory pressures What’s next?! Everything flows, nothing stands still. The only constant is change. - Heraclitus

6 We Need New Strategies to Engage Talent
Old: Acquire and Retain New: Develop, Deploy, Connect “Buy” talent and keep in seats “Engage” by focusing on what matters Develop Building capabilities to achieve personal and business goals Deploy Creating experiences to perform to full extent of abilities Develop Deploy Retain Acquire Engage Connect Connect Cultivating networks of high-quality relationships Organizations that focus on these 3 things “acquire and retain” talent

7 Encourage productive conversations
More than active listening Generate awareness about how language Influences learning Creates or shuts down energy Ongoing performance conversations Leaders as coaches Ongoing, not episodic Avoid “Judgment Day” Integrate mentors—not just boss Emanate Fridays and the energy that stirs Tap into social media networks and learn what drives them The performance of our organizations depends on the quality of our conversations. - Hubert Saint-Onge

8 Stimulate networks of high-quality relationships
Social Network Analysis An x-ray of the way that work gets done Who goes to whom: For knowledge? For advice? Who trusts whom? Who holds things up? Awareness is first step Orchestrating change based on insights is harder Personal network tools Networks of high performers richer and more diverse across Functions Hierarchy Race and gender Places network analysis in hands of individual to Understand own networks Compare networks to those of high performers Create strategies for strengthening networks

9 Design physical space to foster connections
70% of learning occurs through informal interactions How to organize people to stimulate learning and performance? Physical layout has big impact Often takes a back seat to systems and technology Group people around strategies and projects, not departments Provide a mix of space Formal areas for teaming and collaboration Quiet space to think and reflect Informal areas to relax and converse NB this may mean the end of the traditional office space

10 Communication “Communication is the glue that binds various elements, coordinates activities, allows people to work together and produce results” Human resource management in South Africa, 2006 “Two Monologues do not make a dialogue” Jeff Daly actor and writer

11 Why communicate at all? Even more important today because:
Companies are larger and global Mergers occur very often Global diversity and presence occurs more frequently Management styles have moved from strictly authoritarian to more collaborative styles Labour market more integrative and is not territorial specific Market and product mixes more varied. Improves Human connectivity! Fourth industrial revolution and technology

12 Things to remember about Conversations
Remember that the conversation is the relationship. We effect change by engaging in robust conversations with ourselves and others Each conversation we have…… either enhances those relationships, flat-lines them or takes them down. Fierce Conversations by S. Scott 2002

13 Fierce Conversations “ When you think of a fierce conversation, think passion, integrity, authenticity, collaboration. “ “Think cultural transformation!” “Think leadership!” Fierce conversations: Susan Scott, 2002

14 Fierce Conversations (an option)
7 Principles exist according to Susan Scott: Master the courage to interrogate reality: No plan survives its collision with reality and reality has a habit of shifting- market and economies change at work and at home Come out from behind yourself into the conversation and make it real: When the conversation is real the change occurs before the conversation is over. Be here, prepared to be nowhere else: speak and listen as if this is the most important conversation you will ever have with this person. It could be!

15 Fierce conversations 4.Tackle your toughest challenge today: Burnout doesn’t occur because we are solving problems it occurs because we are solving the same problem over and over. The problem named is the problem solved. 5.Obey your instincts: Don’t just trust your instincts – obey them! Tune in! Pay attention! What we label as illusion is the scent of something real coming close. 6.Take responsibility for your emotional wake: The conversation is not about the relationship; the conversation is the relationship

16 Fierce Conversations 7. Let silence do the heavy lifting:
Memorable conversations include breathing space. Slow down the conversation so the insight can occur in the space in between.

17 Tips about Conversations
Life is curly. Don’t try to straighten it out! Change is the most significant constant in our lives today! The traditional practice of annual strategic plan sessions( booze ups!) is a thing of the past, rather teams must get together quarterly to answer the question “what has changed since we last met?” “The corporate nod” is a significant reality- watch out for it!

18 Tips about Conversations(2)
Remove the word ‘but’ from your vocabulary and substitute it with the word ‘and’. Conversations are best launched when there is a well defined idea offered as a spring board for everyone's thinking and discussion. When someone takes up your invitation to challenge your strongly held opinion, resist the temptation to defend your idea immediately. Adapted from Fierce Conversations, Susan Scott, 2002

19 Tips about conversations 3
Relationships are important in conversations Relationships are hard work but they are easier when we can talk to each other Complexity is enhanced by generational, gender, race, sexual orientation and all the other “ isms” in our lives Remember that this is synergistic and makes it more interesting…. All the same is boring! Difference is great because it opens the door to learning and a different conversation/ experience/opportunity

20 Tips about conversations 4
We all wear multiple hats We need to remember that we are all on the same journey… of survival Gratitude is an important part of the process. Listening is a skill… if you don’t use it you loose it!

21 So the question is what are the conversations we should be having?
Conversations about the future and what it holds Conversations about where we can be stretched the most and therefore grow the most in the given time Conversations about what I didn’t get right in the last cycle and what I have learnt as a result Gratitude conversations daily….

22 What are the skills we “may” require?
Listening vs hearing Engaging vs Telling/imposing Empathy vs sympathy Openness vs rigidity Agility vs complacency Hunger for learning Humility vs arrogance Assertiveness vs conformity Fluidity vs Clear largely defined, structured purpose

23 Intonations in Language
And vs But May vs Must Never vs Possibly I vs Us/them NB Inclusivity, transparity and openness are the key!

24 Quotes from Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
“ What counts in life is not the mere fact that we lived. It is the difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lived”

25 In the end: “Life is short so enjoy the ride and don’t fill it with regrets.”

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