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Lesson 17: The Solar System

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1 Lesson 17: The Solar System


3 INNER PLANETS 4 closest to the sun - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
Also called terrestrial planets

4 Traits: Terrestrial Planets Small, but dense Rocky surface•
Made up mostly of rock and metal. Very heavy. Move slowly in space. Have no rings and few moons (if any). Have a diameter of less than 13,000 km.

5 OUTER PLANETS 4 farthest from the sun - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune Also called the Jovian planets

6 Jovian Planets Traits: Large, but not very dense Gaseous surface
Atmosphere of hydrogen and helium Made up mostly of gases (primarily hydrogen & helium). Very light for their size. Move quickly in space. Have rings and many moons. Have a diameter of less than 48,000 km Jovian Planets

7 But what about Pluto?!



10 TO BE A PLANET Has to be rounded by gravity Has to orbit a star
Has to have everything pushed out of its orbit Which one does Pluto not meet?

11 360 Pluto



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