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Youth Work Experiences = Job Readiness

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Work Experiences = Job Readiness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Work Experiences = Job Readiness
A simple approach to developing work experiences Baylee LaVoie & Nicholas Von Pless Living Opportunities

2 Welcome ! What we are going to talk about… Where you are today
Where you want to be How we can help you get there Phones off. Who is in our group today? What do you want to take away? What are some challenges/ successes to date?

3 Why is this important? Knowing expectations of a work experience in a for-profit business can better set up students for success when they work in the “real world”.

4 Develop a Relation Map You ALREADY have connections
Let’s develop your relationships Is there anyone you were surprised that showed up on your map? Who do you think you’ll talk to next? Is there anyone you’re feeling timid about talking to?

5 Fill Your Buckets

6 BAM, the successful experience will happen.
Where Are Your Buckets? Retail Assembly Light Office Customer Service Restaurant – Dining Services Packaging Hotel/ Hospitality Trade Childcare Manufacturing Light Cleaning / Janitorial Now look at your map again – who does this relate to? Does it open up more ideas? New people to put on your map? Help students capitalize on their own connections. Once you have the connection, the successful work experience and strong partnership – BAM, the successful experience will happen.

7 Help students prepare for their first week in a new work experience.
Are We Ready To Go? Appropriate clothing Clear expectations Transportation Training Punctuality Nutrition Continued reinforcement Support Real job readiness – what is the business looking for? Help students prepare for their first week in a new work experience.

8 Sample Elevator Speech
Sample Elevator Speeches Sample Elevator Speech Hi, I am ___________and I work at Jefferson Senior High as a Transition Teacher. Transition Teachers provides comprehensive and specialized instruction to students in the Transition Program ages that have developmental and physical disabilities. Instruction is provided across all environments including the classroom, community, job site and in the family’s home if appropriate. The primary goal of the Transition Program Teacher is to provide specialized instruction in an individualized program for students who are eligible for special education services and for whom the IEP team has established transition goals and objectives. We conduct career assessment and counseling and assist in career exploration activities. Frequently we assist in work or job preparation training by providing opportunities in the school and community for job shadowing, onsite work training, and work/study placement.

9 Sample Elevator Speeches
Try… Hi, I am __________ and I work at Jefferson Senior High as a Transition Teacher. Are you familiar with what that is? One of the things that means, is that I work with students with disabilities between the ages of 18-21, in the school setting - to ready them for life and job experiences once the graduate. Having a job once school is done is such an important focus for so many of the students.* So I find opportunities in businesses around town to give them chance to try real jobs – and Ultimately have them be happy and productive in the community like everyone else wants to be. OR (* and also to provide a program that helps empower them to become happy, confident and productive people in the community.)

10 Elevator speeches Luke: So….. What do you do for a living?
Elevator Speech Exercises 30 sec networking event and follow ups. Don’t get caught unprepared. What do you do? Always turn it back to the person, return the conversation. It’s not a sales pitch, you are setting the foundation for building a relationship! Luke: So….. What do you do for a living? Darth: Well, I work for the Empire kind of like a military general. I carry out the will of the Emperor- to crush the Rebel Alliance and uphold the power of the Galactic Empire. Some call me the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet. Or Sith Lord.

11 Community Engagement Look around at existing activities, and how can we build the concept of partnership? ie resource night/open house Develop a plan to capture leads among the entire school staff.   Always be looking – this is a change in mindset. Learn about the business’ needs.   Be excited, be curious. Carry your business cards and have an elevator speech.

12 Recap Treasure Maps Buckets Job Readiness Elevator Speech
Use existing infrastructure Continued Engagement

13 Questions? Nicholas Von Pless Baylee LaVoie

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