Westend Regional Sewage Services Commission

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1 Westend Regional Sewage Services Commission
2014 Annual Report

2 Background The Westend Regional Sewage Services Commission was established in 1994 by Regulation of the Government of Alberta. The Commission is composed of two members each from the Town Councils of Turner Valley and Black Diamond. Commission members are appointed for four year terms. The Commission’s operations are funded by the Towns of Turner Valley and Black Diamond according to their proportional annual sewage flows.

3 Background cont’d The Commission does not have any staff; rather, it contracts operations staff through the Town of Black Diamond, it contracts engineering services through MPE Engineering and contracts administrative services through an independent contractor. Tom Dougall is the principal operator of the Westend facilities; Laurie McCreary-Burke as Secretary/Treasurer provides all administrative work for the Commission.

4 Commission Members November 2013- October 2017
Dona Fluter, Chair Jim Deacon, Vice Chair Lane Park, Member Mike Ross, Member

5 Historic Flow Rates by Town (imp gallons)
Proportion by Town Turner Valley Black Diamond Total Inc/Dec over Prev Yr TV BD 2014 69,255,638 113,241,704 182,497,342 1.13 0.38 0.62 2013 68,887,160 92,626,761 161,513,921 0.95 0.43 0.57 2012 64,229,813 105,442,947 169,672,760 0.89 2011 79,322,632 111,832,984 191,155,616 1.49 0.41 0.59 2010 58,129,978 69,935,422 128,065,400 1.18 0.45 0.55 2009 58,234,310 50,021,690 108,256,000 0.82 0.54 0.46 2008 65,076,110 67,458,890 132,535,000 0.99 0.49 0.51 2007 64,003,250 69,783,750 133,787,000 0.48 0.52 2006 63,463,916 71,393,697 134,857,613 0.74 0.47 0.53 2005 79,399,380 103,206,631 182,606,011 1.70 2004 47,818,000 59,345,000 107,163,000 0.98

6 Current issues: The Commission hired MPE Engineering/Urban Systems to assess what upgrades are necessary to meet provincial and federal standards when Westend’s licence to operate comes up for renewal in October ESRD has indicated that they will extend our current license and that effluent standards will increase as soon as we begin the facility expansion. The expansion is estimated to cost >10 M in 2014 dollars. In September 2014 the Town of Turner Valley applied to ACRP on Westend’s behalf for funding to protect Westend’s sewer trunk main in Turner Valley. The project was not on the list of approved projects when it was issued on April 12, 2015. The Commission is about to award the contract for moving the sewer main in Black Diamond out of the river valley. This DRP/FREC project is slated for completion by September 18.


8 Current Issues Cont’d As you know, the Town of Black Diamond, in partnership with the Town of Turner Valley has applied to the Small Communities Fund for a grant to assist in upgrading Westend’s aging infrastructure including upgrades to the transfer station in Black Diamond the lift station in Turner Valley, replacing blower #2 and initiating a sludge management program. The cost of this project is $1.7 M.

9 Current Issues Cont’d The Commission has applied to the Minister for permission to exceed our debt limit in order to pay upfront for the costs of the facility upgrade project. We are unable to start any portion of the project until SCF makes a decision on the request for a grant and ACFA has approved our debenture issue. Likely we will not be able to apply for a debenture until September.

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