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Make it a Great Day! Wednesday, September 7th 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Make it a Great Day! Wednesday, September 7th 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Make it a Great Day! Wednesday, September 7th 2016
Warm-up: What do you think is the most significant physical feature of Latin America? Why?

2 Make it a Great Day! Wednesday, September 7th 2016
Agenda: Attendance & Warm-up Finish Mapping Lab Challenge #1 & #2 for Latin America with old partner Mapping Lab Challenge #3, 4, & 5 as time permits Essential Question: What and where are the most significant physical and human geographic features of Latin America? What and where are the most significant climate & vegetation zones of Latin America AND how do they impact human settlement patterns? SSWG 7abcd Materials you will need: Writing Utensil & Geography Notebook Green textbook for maps

3 Make it a Great Day! Wednesday, September 7th 2016
Cool Down: List one new thing you learned about the physical and human geography of Latin America today.

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