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In Memory OLTP Not Just for OLTP.

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Presentation on theme: "In Memory OLTP Not Just for OLTP."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Memory OLTP Not Just for OLTP

2 Russ Thomas Twitter: @SQLJudo Blog:
Plural Sight: coming soon ! 2 | 4/23/2019 | @SQLJudo - Russ Thomas DBA

3 Drawbacks of Memory Expensive Volatile Precious Local
Not a file system

4 Benefits of Memory Fast

5 In Memory OLTP (“hekaton”)

6 Limitations (just a few)
< 250GB (durable tables -> log is going to be disk based) < 8060 byte row No unique indexes No calculated columns No foreign keys No partitioning No check constraints No alter statements No table locks No truncate Non integer indexes must be binary collation No adding indexes after creation Row versioning protects data, true collisions generate error

7 Why OLTP Size Concurrency Speed < 250GB No Locks (row versioning)
Reads and Writes

8 Why not staging tables ??? Size ( > 250GB schema only tables )
Heaps No constraints No foreign keys No indexes No alters


10 Variables to Consider Memory Limit Storage Sub-structure
Multi-threading / CPU cores # of Transformations Memory Limit Running out of memory is bad Storage Sub-structure PCIe vs Spinning Disks vs SSD Multi-threading / CPU cores Serial workloads to stay under memory limit may or may not be faster than parallel work loads from disk

11 But wait, there’s more Natively Compiled Objects Hash Indexes
Columnstore Indexes coming !!

12 Russ Thomas Twitter: @SQLJudo Blog:
Plural Sight: coming soon ! 12 | 4/23/2019 | @SQLJudo - Russ Thomas DBA

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