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Efficiently Estimating Travel Time

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Presentation on theme: "Efficiently Estimating Travel Time"— Presentation transcript:

1 Efficiently Estimating Travel Time

2 Step 1: choose depot to first pick-up with shortest travel time
Heuristic 1++ D A A B B C C D Step 1: choose depot to first pick-up with shortest travel time Call m3 find_path from every depot to every pick-up? 0.1s * N * M 0.1s * 100 * 10 = 100s  already too long!

3 1. Use geometric distance to estimate travel time?
Ideas? 1. Use geometric distance to estimate travel time? And only call find_path at end, with final order? Reasonable, but will not be perfectly accurate Will cost us some quality

4 Inaccurate travel time estimate
Time estimate: ~300 m / 60 km per hour Real time: much higher

5 Ideas? 2. Pre-compute all shortest paths you might need?
Then just look up delays during optimization? How many shortest paths to pre-compute? Using single-source to single-dest find_path: Need any delivery location to any other travel time: 2N * (2N-1)  39,800 calls for N = 100 Plus any depot to any delivery location M * 2N  2000 calls for N = 100, M = 10 Plus any delivery location to any depot 2N * M  2000 calls Total: 43,800 calls to your find_path 0.1 s per call  4380 s  too slow

6 Dijkstra’s Algorithm What do we know at this point?
Shortest path to every intersection in the blue circle

7 Dijkstra’s Algorithm Keep Going! Until all destinations reached
Then backtrace from each to find path

8 Pre-Computing Travel Time Paths
Using single-source to all destinations Need any delivery location to any other 2N calls  200 if N = 100 Plus any depot to any delivery location M calls  10 Plus any delivery location to any depot 0 calls Total: 210 calls Is this the minimum? No. Any depot to any delivery location: One call with multi-source to all destinations Reduces to 201 path searches Get from earlier call

9 Is This Fast Enough? Recall: Total:
Dijkstra’s algorithm can search whole graph And usually will with multiple destinations O(N) items to put in wavefront Using heap / priority_queue: O (log N) to add / remove 1 item from wavefront Total: N log N Can execute in ~0.1 s OK!

10 Heuristic 3: Iterative Improvement

11 Heuristic 3: Iterative Improvement
Improve an existing solution? C B A A B D C D

12 Heuristic 3: Iterative Improvement
Improve an existing solution? How? Local perturbation C B 8 15 5 A 18 B A 5 4 20 D C 4 2 D Travel time for this connection (edge) Total travel time = 81

13 Heuristic 3: Local Perturbation
E.g., swap order of B and C drop offs C B 8 15 5 A 18 B A 5 4 20 D C 4 2 D Total travel time = 81

14 Heuristic 3: Local Perturbation
Legal? Compute new travel times New travel time: 72 Better  update solution C B 8 14 23 5 A B A 5 4 7 D C 4 2 D Old travel time = 81

15 Heuristic 3: Local Perturbation
More powerful perturbation? Swapping two intersections  limited change Maybe bigger improvements possible with more radical perturbation? 8 14 23 5 5 4 7 4 2

16 Heuristic 3: Local Perturbation
E.g. 2-edge operation (2-opt) Delete two connections in path 8 14 23 5 5 4 7 4 2

17 Heuristic 3: Local Perturbation
Reconnect path differently 8 5 4 4 2

18 Heuristic 3: Local Perturbation
May have to reverse order of part of the path to make legal May need to fix up depots to make legal 8 5 4 4 2

19 Heuristic 3: Local Perturbation
Recalculate travel time Update solution if better than previous New travel time: 70 (better than prior 71) 18 8 15 5 4 12 4 4

20 Anything Else? Classic traveling salesman: no Our traveling courier
Check if path is legal delivery order Have to pick up package before dropping off Can’t overload truck Traveling salesman 2-opt works very well Traveling courier? May get less gain due to legality constraints

21 Intersection Exchange vs. 2-Opt
Escaping Local Minima Intersection Exchange vs. 2-Opt

22 Say We’re In This State Local perturbation to improve? 3 1 2 4 7 5 8 6
3 1 2 4 7 5 8 6 9 Local perturbation to improve?

23 Swap Order of Two Deliveries?
3 1 2 4 7 5 8 6 9 No swap of two deliveries can improve! Stuck in a local minimum

24 2-Opt? 3 1 2 4 7 5 8 6 9 Path cut into 3 pieces

25 2-Opt? 3 1 2 4 7 5 8 6 9 Reconnected: worse!

26 2-Opt? 3 1 2 4 Reconnected differently: now better! 7 5 8 6 9 More powerful permutation operator  can escape more local minima

27 Representing the Solution

28 Travel Order: How to Represent?
Store whole route (need for final solution) vector<CourierSubpath> struct CourierSubpath { unsigned start_intersection; unsigned end_intersection; vector<unsigned> subpath; // Street segment ids vector<unsigned> pickUp_indices; // items to pick up } end_intersection = 28 pickUp_indices = {} pickUp_indices = {2} pickUp_indices = {2, 5} subpath = {97, 58, …} start_intersection = 53

29 Solution Representation
Given N pick up / drop offs 2 1 3 0 2 3 2 0 1 1 One courierSubpath Given M courier truck depots (intersections)

30 Travel Order: How to Represent?
2. Better for optimization: order of deliveries Turn into a full route only when needed Faster & easier to change order

31 Solution Representation
Given N pick up / drop offs 2 1 3 0 2 3 2 0 1 1 Given M courier truck depots (intersections) vector<pickOrDrop> deliveryOrder; deliveryOrder = {0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2} , , }

32 Solution Representation
What About Depots? Solution Representation Given N pick up / drop offs 2 1 3 0 2 3 2 0 1 1 Given M courier truck depots (intersections) Could store: vector<pickDropDepot> deliveryOrder; deliveryOrder = {0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2}

33 Solution Representation
What About Depots? Solution Representation Given N pick up / drop offs 2 1 3 0 2 3 2 0 1 1 Given M courier truck depots (intersections) Don’t have to store depots Could fill in closest depot to start/end later deliveryOrder = {0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2}

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