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DAILY QUESTION November 3, 2008

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1 DAILY QUESTION November 3, 2008 What does the law of definite proportions state?

2 Agenda 11/3/08 Practice with balancing equations and using mole ratios
Daily Question Check-in: Balancing Equations Wksht Ch 6 Sect 3 Notes Determining Mole Ratios Practice with balancing equations and using mole ratios Assignments: Ch 6 Sect 3 Review Worksheet due 11/4

3 The law of definite proportions
A compound always contains the same elements in the same proportions, regardless of how the compound is made or how much of the compound is formed

4 The mole ratio The mole ratio for any reaction comes from the balanced chemical equation 2H20 → 2H2 + O2 2 mol: 2 mol: 1mol

5 Using mole ratios 2H2O → 2H2 + O2
If you start with 2 mol of water, how many moles of hydrogen gas are produced? 2 mol

6 Using mole ratios 2Mg + O2 → 2MgO
If you start with 5 mol of O2, how many moles of Mg will you need? 10 mol of Mg

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