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Integration by substitution

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Presentation on theme: "Integration by substitution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integration by substitution

2 Try integrating: Hint: Try a guess and differentiate it. Answer:
That was easy to guess, but lets try it with substitution: Let So we have: (the dx is a problem) So, That’s a simple one …. now let’s try a harder one ……..

3 Try this integral: so, and Re-write your integral:
Integrate and then substitute:

4 Now try some of your own (about 10 minutes).
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

5 What about definite integration?
Take the upper and lower values of x from the integral and find the corresponding values of u. Now re-write the integral in terms of u, as you did before. Confirm this result by using your Graphics Calculator.

6 Now some of your own (about 10 minutes).
1. 2. 3.

7 One step beyond…. Try this one:- (too easy!)
Something wrong? - That x, but …….

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