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IC manual: what and why Presented by Sandra Poikane Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability.

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Presentation on theme: "IC manual: what and why Presented by Sandra Poikane Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability."— Presentation transcript:

1 IC manual: what and why Presented by Sandra Poikane Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability


3 Instruction manual Most of Intercalibration results - finalised
many MS have not intercalibrated the methods : Not developed in time other reasons: different pressure/ habitat/ concept

4 Instruction manual a workflow to fit new or revised methods to the harmonised definition of good ecological status established in the finalised IC IC results Revised method New method

5 Key documents IC Guidance IC technical report IC manual
- intercalibration aims, methods and criteria. - all necessary steps of the intercalibration process. IC technical report - approaches and outcomes of the respective intercalibration exercise IC manual - procedure to use for intercalibrating new /revised classification methods.

6 MS national dataset the complete ecological quality gradient ranging from high to poor contain non-biological (environmental) and biological data to conduct pressure-impact analyses

7 3 steps


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