Daily PPT 1/19/18 FINALS P5 & P6 Mrs. Bly Eng 4

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1 Daily PPT 1/19/18 FINALS P5 & P6 Mrs. Bly Eng 4

2 Backpacks on back wall Please place your phone in the correct caddy.
Please place your back pack along the back wall of the room. Scantron: Name: Your first and last name Subject: 1Sem Final Date: 1/18/18 Test No: YOU MUST PUT BOTH VERSION AND NUMBER (If you need an eraser I will loan you one. I will be checking the exams for pencil marks) Period: P3 I AM NOT COLLECTING THE STUDY GUIDE.

3 After the final- ABSOLUTELY NO TALKING
Once you have finished your exam, please bring your scantron AND test to the front to turn them in. -You MAY NOT get your phone OR you backpack. -You MAY NOT go the restroom. 2. Take the handout with directions for the Successful Person Power Point and take a CHROME BOOK -Choose a person YOU think is SUCCESSFUL. It can be anyone: athlete, musician, business leader, actor, director, skater, professional gamer, and so on… However, you must be able to find RESEARCH (data & facts) on this person. We will be using both our PVHS database and the Internet for research. This person will be the focus of your research paper. Choose wisely. Directions: Create a power point of someone you consider successful. Follow this format EXACTLY. Your power point will be exactly 8 slides. Your power point is due Jan 24 (A-day) or Jan 25 (B-day)

4 Homework Your Successful Person Power Point is due Jan 24 (A-day) or Jan 25 (B-day) Make sure you have turned in your library book. We will check out Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell on Monday/ Tuesday!

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