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Presentation on theme: "Word2Vec."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word2Vec

2 Introduction: What is word2vec?
Motivation : Why Word2vec? Word2vec models: Continuous Bag of words Skip gram model Demo

3 What is Word2Vec? Introduced by Google in 2013
Computes vector representation of words Word meanings and relationships between words are encoded spatially Learns from input texts

4 Motivation Images; Speech easily represented in the form of vectors.
What about text? Word2vec learns word embeddings. Converts words into meaningful vectors. Basically trains a neural network with a single hidden layer to perform a certain task. Doesn’t use neural network output, but instead uses the weights learnt.These weights serve as vector representations

5 Contextual Representation
I eat an apple every day. I eat an orange every day. I like driving my car to work. Ref:

6 Word vectors

7 Learning Algorithms Continuous bag-of-words Continuous skip gram

8 Continuous Bag-of-words


10 Continuous skip-gram


12 Hidden Layer

13 How do we get word vectors?

14 Output layer

15 How is this different?


17 Demo

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