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Presentation on theme: "KNOW YOUR VOCAB BATTLES OF THE WAR BACK IN THE COLONIAL DAYS TAXES,"— Presentation transcript:

1 KNOW YOUR VOCAB BATTLES OF THE WAR BACK IN THE COLONIAL DAYS TAXES, PATRIOTS, AND LOYALIST HE SAID WHAT! WAR STRATEGIES More VOCAB 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 American Revolution

2 The way your culture makes, trades, and consumes goods (100)
Answer: Economy

3 How you interact with those around, your traditions and beliefs (200)
Answer: Society

4 Government document of Plymouth Colony that was agreed upon by the Pilgrims (300)
Answer: Mayflower Compact

5 The name of the government body in the Virginia Colony (400)
Answer: House of Burgesses

6 The economic system that creates and maintains wealth through a country’s colonies (500)
Answer: Mercantilism

7 Fighting for a cause they believed in and trying to gain their freedom would be considered a strength for which side in the war? (100) Answer: Americans

8 “DAILY DOUBLE” This key battle is considered the turning point in the American Revolution? Daily Double! Answer: Battle of Saratoga

9 The first battle of the American Revolution was called… (300)
Answer: Lexington and Concord

10 This Battle was a moral victory for the Americans even though they lost to the British (400)
Answer: Battle of Bunker Hill

11 Fighting for a cause they believed in and trying to gain their freedom would be a strength for which side in the war? (100) Answer: Americans/Colonists

12 This cultural group first settled what is today New York State… (100)
Answer: The Dutch

13 The Americans are able to beat the British at the Battle of Yorktown to end the war. This country helped us to win that last battle… (500) Answer: The French

14 The name given to the Dutch colony in the new world…(200)
Answer: New Amsterdam

15 Answer: Religious Freedom
What is the main reason that the Pilgrims decided to settle in the new world? (300) Answer: Religious Freedom

16 What is a reason that the European’s wanted to establish colonies
Answer: Make money/profit from trade

17 What product made the biggest profit for the colony of Jamestown in Virginia (500)
Answer: tobacco

18 Person who would support revolting against the British (100)
Answer: Patriots

19 Persons who would support the British in the American Revolution
(200) Answer: Loyalists

20 To refuse to buy certain goods, method used often to protest movements
(300) Answer: boycott

21 The Boston Tea Party took place on December 16th, 1773
The Boston Tea Party took place on December 16th, The protest by the son’s of liberty was a result of this act passed by the king… (400) Answer: Tea Act

22 Colonists argued that the king did not have the right to tax them because… (500)
Answer: colonists were not represented in parliament

23 The Declaration of Independence was written by this man…
(100) Answer: Thomas Jefferson

24 Thomas Paine believed we should break away from England
Thomas Paine believed we should break away from England. To convince his fellow colonists he wrote this pamphlet… (200) Answer: Common Sense

25 The British passed the Proclamation of 1763 after the French and Indian War. The King told the colonists they couldn’t settle west of this feature… (300) Answer: Appalachian Mountains

26 Answer: The people/ the governed
“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” …According to this quote who does the government get their power from??? (400) Answer: The people/ the governed

27 When Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, the main purpose of the document was to tell the King and Parliament what? (500) Answer: To tell the king why we were breaking away

28 This country becomes a key ally of the American’s in the Revolutionary War… (100)
Answer: The French

29 The Commander of the Continental Army was…
(200) Answer: George Washington

30 Traditional fighting tactics such as battle field warfare was the strategy of this side… (300)
Answer: The British

31 The American strategy in the war was called this…(400)
Answer: Guerilla Warfare

32 Why did the British strategy of blockading the American ports work so well to hurt the colonists??
(500) Answer: To prevent supplies from coming in from France


34 “Who came up with the Atomic Theory?  A blast from the past”
Answer: John Dalton

35 Name of the British law-making body (100)
Answer: Parliament

36 Answer: Quartering Act
This law required the colonists to keep the British troops in their home against their will (200) Answer: Quartering Act

37 “This law said the American’s could only trade with England”
“DAILY DOUBLE” “This law said the American’s could only trade with England” Daily Double! Answer: Navigation Acts

38 Event was used by some colonists to turn American’s against the British. Pictured to the right… (400) Answer: Boston Massacre

39 Initial meeting of colonial delegates in Philadelphia to decide how to deal with the British (500)
Answer: First Continental Congress

40 Category: PREFIX/SUFFIX
Final Jeopardy Category: PREFIX/SUFFIX When the Treaty of Paris was signed, what became our WESTERN boarder?? Place your wagers! Mississippi River Timer


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