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MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid

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1 MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid
wewe MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid Fourth INFN Grid Workshop Bari, October

2 MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid
wewe Introduction The production of simulated events for the BaBar experiment is a distributed task involving several computing farms spread around the world: production of Monte-Carlo events distributed over 25 sites data transferred to SLAC each remote farm is managed by a local production manager on each farm the whole BaBar software release installation is required (~1.5 GBytes.) an object-oriented database, Objectivity, is used to read detector conditions and calibration constants, while ROOT I/O is used to mix real background triggers with the simulated events MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid

3 MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid
BaBar-Grid A new approach for MonteCarlo production in BaBar: Spread the software for MonteCarlo simulation over grid sites Install data needed for simulation on a dedicated host MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid

4 MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid
BaBar-Grid Data needed for simulation are both installed on the same host: Conditions data are stored in a object oriented database (~30GBytes) and supplied by an AMS server. Each simulation job reads about 1/50 of the total amount. Background triggers are provided by an Xrootd server and stored as ROOT files (about 2 GBytes each). A typical production job consists of 2000 events MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid

5 MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid
BaBar-Grid BaBar software dedicated to event simulation has been extracted from the whole release (~130 MB) and installed on several sites of the grid. A special tag has been created for those sites used for production Objectivity databases for conditions data and background triggers have been installed in Ferrara, Padua and Naples A dedicated RB has been installed in Ferrara and used to submit production jobs MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid

6 BaBar resources on the grid
MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid

7 MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid
BaBar-Grid Jobs submitted on sites which published the special tag created for the BaBar software Data shipped to the SE located in Ferrara Standard BaBar software tools for simulation production, needed to merge and transfer data to SLAC, are installed on the UI MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid

8 MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid
Production schema MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid

9 MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid
Results Pre-production tests perfomed: Executed 200 jobs for each test About 140 parallel jobs on a single Objy database Jobs successful completed: 98% MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid

10 MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid
wewe Conclusions Performances are quite satisfying Scalability depends on data location Close to real production MonteCarlo production for the BaBar experiment on the Italian grid

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