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Vocabulary Week of Aug 29-Sept 2, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Week of Aug 29-Sept 2, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Week of Aug 29-Sept 2, 2011

2 Abhor (verb) hate Bigot (noun) narrow-minded, prejudiced person Counterfeit (mod) fake; false Enfranchise (verb) to give voting rights Hamper (verb) hinder; obstruct

3 Kindle. (verb) brighten or glow; to start a
Kindle (verb) brighten or glow; to start a fire; ignite emotion or interest Noxious (mod) harmful; poisonous; lethal Placid (mod) calm; peaceful Remuneration (noun) payment for work done Talisman (noun) lucky charm

4 Prefix: “anti” means against
Antiwar (mod) against the war Antisocial (mod) not sociable Antipathy (noun) strong, negative feelings Antibody (noun) protein that fights infections Antidote (noun) substance that counteracts poison

5 Week of September 6-9, 2011 Abrasive (mod) rough; course; harsh
Bilk (verb) cheat; defraud Covert (mod) hidden; undercover Engender (verb) to arise or come into existence Tangent (noun) going off the main subject

6 Hangar (n) storage area for a plane
Knotty (mod) complex; difficult to solve Nuance (n) something subtle; a fine shade of meaning Plagiarism (n) taking credit fore someone else’s writing or ideas Renown (n) widespread acclaim; fame

7 Prefix: contra/counter= against
Contradict (verb) disagree with Counteract (verb) lessen the effect of Counterfeit (mod) forged; false Contraindicated (verb) state to be inadvisable Countermand (verb) cancel a command

8 Week of September 12-16, 2011 Absolution (n) forgiveness; pardon; release Blatant (mod) obvious Creditable (mod) praiseworthy Ensconce (verb) establish firmly in a position Hasten (verb) hurry; rush accelerate

9 Laceration (N) a cut Obdurate (mod) stubborn; not easily persuaded or influenced Plausible (mod) can be believed; reasonable Reprieve (N) a respite; postponement of sentence Tawdry (mod) gaudy; of little value

10 Prefix: Cosm= world or universe
Cosmos (n) whole universe Microcosm (n) small version of something larger Cosmopolitan (mod) made up of unique peoples; culturally diverse Cosmopolis (n) a important city that is culturally diverse Cosmocrat (n) master or ruler of the world

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