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Direct Object Pronouns

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1 Direct Object Pronouns
This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educational purposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center at

2 Don’t be like these guys:
This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educational purposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center at

3 Direct object pronouns allow us to avoid repetition of nouns!
This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educational purposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center at

4 Mariano drinks coffee. (direct object noun) What does he drink?
A direct object receives the action of a verb and serves to answer the question What? or Whom? in relation to that verb Mariano drinks coffee. (direct object noun) What does he drink? Juanita helped him. (direct object pronoun) Whom did Juanita help? This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educational purposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center at

5 A direct object pronoun replaces a direct object noun
A direct object pronoun replaces a direct object noun. Some of the Spanish direct object pronouns should look familiar: Me me Te you (tú) Lo him, it, you (Ud.) La her, it, you (Ud.) Nos us Los them, you (Uds.) Las them, you (Uds.) This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educational purposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center at

6 ¿Me entiendes? Do you understand me?
Sí, te entiendo perfectamente. Yes, I understand you perfectly. Conoce Ud. a Señora Kallhoff? Sí, la conozco. ¿Dónde compran Uds. las carpetas? Las compramos en la papelería. Notice that object pronouns immediately precede conjugated verbs. This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educational purposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center at

7 ¿Lees las instrucciones? ¿Buscas el teléfono? ¿Sabes la dirección?
¿Escribes la carta? ¿Lees las instrucciones? ¿Buscas el teléfono? ¿Sabes la dirección? ¿Terminas la tarea? ¿Prefieres el libro rojo? This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educational purposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center at

8 ¿Escribes la carta? Sí, la escribo.
¿Lees las instrucciones? Sí, las leo. ¿Buscas el teléfono? No, no lo busco. ¿Sabes la dirección? No, no la sé. ¿Terminas la tarea? Sí, la termino. ¿Prefieres el libro rojo? Sí, lo prefiero. This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educational purposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center at

9 ¿Me llamas por teléfono? ¿Me ayudas con la tarea? ¿Me entiendes ahora?
¿Me invitas a un café? ¿Me llevas al centro? ¿Me esperas un minuto? ¿Me llamas por teléfono? ¿Me ayudas con la tarea? ¿Me entiendes ahora? ¿Me buscas en la biblioteca? This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educational purposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center at

10 Example: I am going to invite them. =
Notice that object pronouns can also be attached to the end of infinitives. Example: I am going to invite them. = Los voy a invitar. OR Voy a invitarlos. Te vamos a visitar. OR Vamos a visitarte. This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educational purposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center at

11 Answer these questions as if you are Julio(a) and/or Luis(a):
Example: Julio, ¿vas a preparar la comida? Sí, voy a prepararla. Luis, ¿vas a servir las bebidas? Julio y Luis, ¿van a probar Uds. el postre? Julio y Luis, ¿van a traer Uds. los platos? Luis, ¿vas a cocinar bien la carne? Julio y Luis, ¿van a poner Uds. la mesa? This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educational purposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center at

12 Luis, ¿vas a servir las bebidas?
Sí, voy a servirlas. Julio y Luis, ¿van a probar Uds. el postre? No, no vamos a probarlo. Julio y Luis, ¿van a traer Uds. los platos? Sí, vamos a traerlos. Luis, ¿vas a cocinar bien la carne? Sí, voy a cocinarla bien. Julio y Luis, ¿van a poner Uds. la mesa? No, no vamos a ponerla. This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educational purposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center at

13 La Tarea:

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