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Paris Climate Agreement

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1 Paris Climate Agreement
By: Shreeya Gajurel

2 What does it address? Global climate change is a huge issue. The general temperature keeps increasing as the years go on due to excess carbon emissions in the air.

3 Effects of global change
-The average temperature on the surface area of the earth has already increased 1.7 degrees celsius since 1880 -the heat released from human emission is equal to 400,000 hiroshima atomic bombs exploding across the planet -Melting of ice caps leaves coastal cities underwater

4 Effects of climate change
-Severe Droughts; especially in California


6 Effects of climate change: coral bleaching
Ocean acidification:


8 Paris Climate Agreement
This agreement set forth by the United Nation, soughts to decrease the level at which the climate is increasing so that we can limit global warming temperature increases. (Signed on December 12th 2015 *my birthday*) -It soughts to limit global temperature increase below 2C -Countries make an effort to reduce emissions. All countries must report regularly on their emissions and implementation efforts. This is then reviewed by an international panel -“achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of this century” (Telegraph). -To do this, the goal is to have the net carbon emission equal zero

9 Other efforts -Countries are making national pledges to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 -over 185 countries have made the strive to make the pledge Each country’s pledge must represent a progression on their previous one and reflect its highest possible ambition. -Issue is it is not legally binding -As technology improves, carbon dioxide Emissions should reduce respectively

10 The Agreement cont’ -Another component of the agreement includes developed nations helping developing countries with the costs of going green, and the costs of coping with the effects of climate change. (clean power systems and reducing deforestation) -Countries will have to disclose an inventory of their emissions and information to track their progress in hitting their national target, while developed countries should also give information on the finance they are providing or mobilising. -Problem is with BRIC countries, they are still transitioning into the developed country stage so they may have to sacrifice their own economic growth in the name of the environment

11 Target

12 Impact on my life As the climate increasing life gets more difficult to sustain Though warmer weather may seem appealing, it has very negative consequences on the infrastructure and transportation Severe droughts would cause crops to become more expensive which means more money out of my pocket Tourist sites become less appealing , especially those in areas like California that used to have beautiful bodies of water but now are dry and desert like. Heat waves cause more intense and severe storms like hurricanes and tornadoes

13 Global Impact -It will severely lessen the impact of global climate change -There will be less severe droughts -Heat waves cause more intense and severe storms like hurricanes and tornadoes -Nations and cities near the water and below sea level will not suffer from flooding as soon as projected.

14 Works Cited mankind.html

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