What is a worldview? Lecture 2b

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1 What is a worldview? Lecture 2b
A worldview is simply the sum-total of our beliefs about the world, the “big picture” that directs our daily decisions and actions.

2 A worldview is constructed of 5 Critical Elements:
Your view of God. Your view of truth. Your view of reality (Material or immaterial-Material or Spiritual). Your view of ethics. Your view of humanity.

3 Correspondence View of Truth:
Truth is that which corresponds to its object, whether the object is abstract or concrete. Truth is the way things really are. Truth is “telling like it is.”

4 Coherent View of Truth:
Truth is that which is internally consistent; what coheres within; what is self-consistent.

5 Pragmatic View of Truth:
A statement is known to be true if it brings the right results. If it works, then it is true.

6 What is Truth? Truth is that which corresponds to reality, identifies things as they actually are, must be able to be expressed in propositions (t + t = true), can never fail, diminish, change, or be extinguished, and is sourced in the God of the Bible, who is the Author of all truth.

7 Every worldview can be analyzed by answering the following three questions:
Where did we come from, and what are we (creation)? What has gone wrong with the world (fall)? What can we do to fix it (redemption)?

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