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Two Types of Reproduction

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1 Two Types of Reproduction

2 Asexual Reproduction used by some plant and invertebrate species
requires 1 parent offspring are genetically identical to the parent uses body cells

3 Body Cells called somatic cells (somato- means “body”)
body cells are diploid = contain 2 sets (pairs) of chromosomes (diplo- means “double”) made by the process of mitosis throughout the entire body

4 Steps of Asexual Reproduction
Body cells are made by mitosis

5 Steps of Asexual Reproduction
The organism undergoes binary fission, budding or regeneration to create an offspring

6 Sexual Reproduction used by most species requires 2 parents
offspring are genetically different from the parents uses sex cells

7 Sex Cells called gametes = egg and sperm cells
(gamo- means “sex cell”) sex cells are haploid = contain 1 set (single) of chromosomes (haplo- means “single”) made by the process of meiosis inside reproductive organs

8 Steps of Sexual Reproduction
Sex cells are made by meiosis (like “double mitosis”) Cells divide twice

9 Steps of Sexual Reproduction
Male & female sex cells come together to form one body cell (called a zygote) Cell from mom Cell from dad zygote

10 Steps of Sexual Reproduction
The zygote undergoes mitosis repeatedly until it develops into a complete organism Etc…

11 Mitosis made my-TOES-es
Memory Phrase Meosis made ME-osis Mitosis made my-TOES-es

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