N AVIGATING THE U NIVERSITY L IFE C AFÉ Welcome! Navigating the University Life Cafe 1.

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Presentation on theme: "N AVIGATING THE U NIVERSITY L IFE C AFÉ Welcome! Navigating the University Life Cafe 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 N AVIGATING THE U NIVERSITY L IFE C AFÉ Welcome! Navigating the University Life Cafe 1

2 T HE U NIVERSITY L IFE C AFE 2 Navigating the University Life Cafe

3 T HE S ITE S P URPOSE Launched in February 2009 To promote students emotional health and resilience against suicide To strengthen college community awareness of suicide risks and signs and symptoms To create a sense of a community of care among college students To convey safe messaging information about suicide 3 Navigating the University Life Cafe

4 T ERMS OF SERVICE 4 Navigating the University Life Cafe

5 T HE TERMS OF SERVICE Age requirement: 18 Standards of participation: civil discourse, copyright adherence, membership authentication, anti-defacement, and privacy and confidentiality Enforcement of policies Modifications to the sites services 5 Navigating the University Life Cafe

6 T HE HORIZONTAL BUTTON NAVIGATION 6 Navigating the University Life Cafe

7 T HE STUDENT BREW 7 Navigating the University Life Cafe K-State student-created contents Articles, artworks, photography, poetry, presentations, videos, and writing Variety of topics: Anxiety, conflict resolution, disordered eating, life skills, nutrition, problem solving, PTSD, relationships, self-awareness, social issues, stress, suicide, support systems, and test anxiety

8 T HE STUDENT BREW 8 Navigating the University Life Cafe

9 F ILTERING STUDENT B REW C ONTENTS Sorting by Most recent, Most discussed and most liked Filtering by Type : Article, artwork, photography, poetry, presentation, video, and writing Filtering by Topic : Anxiety, conflict resolution, disordered eating, life skills, nutrition, problem solving, PTSD, relationships, self awareness, social, stress, suicide, support systems, and test anxiety 9 Navigating the University Life Cafe

10 A TEXT - BASED SITE SEARCH FUNCTION 10 Navigating the University Life Cafe

11 G ALLERY CONTENTS Packaged materials on issues like Financial Challenges, Disordered Eating and Body Image, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Suzys Strategies, and Life Transitions 11 Navigating the University Life Cafe

12 T HE BOOKSHELF Formal and professionally created mental and physical wellness resources Contributions by counselors, psychologists, drug and alcohol experts, and others 12 Navigating the University Life Cafe

13 T HE BOOKSHELF 13 Navigating the University Life Cafe

14 L EARNING MODULES Learning modules on specific topics like Stress Management, Problem Solving, Developing a Support System, and Conflict 14 Navigating the University Life Cafe

15 S TUDENT DISCUSSIONS Interactive communications Connections to professionals at K-States Counseling Center 15 Navigating the University Life Cafe

16 S TUDENT DISCUSSIONS 16 Navigating the University Life Cafe

17 L OCAL EVENTS Lists of things to do in the community 17 Navigating the University Life Cafe

18 C ONTRIBUTE … FOR K - STATE STUDENTS Sign in to upload contents and post comments on various contents / posts or in the Discussion Area 18 Navigating the University Life Cafe

19 S ETTING UP A STUDENT ACCOUNT Requires an active K-State student electronic identification (eID) 19 Navigating the University Life Cafe

20 M ORE ABOUT US ABOUT US 20 Navigating the University Life Cafe

21 T HE LOWER NAVIGATIONAL LINKS 21 Navigating the University Life Cafe

22 F REQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ S ) 22 Navigating the University Life Cafe

23 P LEASE JOIN US … …in creating a supportive virtual community for college students like yourself!virtual community Feel free to contact us if you have any questions! univlifecafe@k-state.edu bpearson@k-state.edu / Dr. Barbara Pearson, K- State Counseling Center bpearson@k-state.edu 23 Navigating the University Life Cafe

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